March 16th, 2024 Shabbat-P'kudei (We are God's Tabernacle-Final)

11 months ago

This Shabbat was the final Torah portion of Exodus and the final Torah portion showing how we are like the Tabernacle in the wilderness. The Tabernacle was anointed and God's glory came down upon it and through it. So it is with us, we are being prepared to be filled with His glory and go about with the gospel (good news) of the the Messianic Kingdom. That message is given to us in the portions of Vayikra (Leviticus), which is the next book we are about to read. This is actually been reflected in our ministry which is Kol HaRuach Messianic Fellowship. We are back in houses as we tabernacle with God to the next place that God has for us.

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