Ep 1 - Sam Kerr, EV’s, Moomba and more

9 months ago

We kick the show off by asking is Sam Kerr a racist! When Ben wrote about it on LinkedIn and on the Hoodies website the reaction was pretty strong which brought us to what happened with the cancelling of the Moomba Parade on a day that turned out to be not as hot as was thought. EV’s were on the agenda and while the boys know we all need to be mindful of the environment they were asking why the federal government is so hell bent on committing to EV’s when the likes of Mercedes, Toyota and BMW all say the future is Hybrid and Hydrogen. The discussion ends up being about what the future actually looks like for society when we have such incompetent politicians and bureaucrats who can’t seem to get on the same page. The Covid crisis was society’s chance for profound change but at the moment we are being sorely let down by our so called leaders.

Special Guest this week!

Christine Williams, is the Hoodies Media economics editor and on this week's Podcast we talked to her about when interest rates will down or if in fact they may go up again. What effect will people coming off fixed rates have on house prices and should we be investing in property or just putting our money into super.

The whole idea of the Hoodies podcast is to giver people their say, to voice their options so please email us questions or reactions to this weeks show. Over the coming weeks and months the we will be interviewing all sorts of people from environmentalists to mining people, to chefs to business people and then just averages joes who are just concerned about the future for their families…

Hoodies is striving to be the voice of common sense and of authenticity we hope you can join us on the journey

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