We're Infinite Creators Of The Realm We Live In with Claudio Silvaggi & Laura JeH - PT1

9 months ago

Claudio and I were having a private call made public due to the value it didn't feel right confining to just us two when you could benefit from hearing it too!

In the editing process I added some subtitles that occurred to me or to emphasize a point being made, particularly around the mythic nature of the legal fiction where I shared the visual for the "Hiero's Prism" concept shared on Monday March 4 on "The Empowered (Victim) Dynamic & 2024 Astrological Overview" that is already posted to this channel.

What questions, comments or considerations does this conscious conversation bring up for you?

Leave us a comment and join us on March 20 at 7:30pm for information about the HUB for HumanKIND experience May 17-19 at Souls Path Retreats or come at 7pm to hear details about the Documentary and Playlist Project that will be launching through this shared effort!

Now is the time for us to come together and rise above the insanity!

Email me at laura@ljeh.ca and please join us in the 'PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Assembly' group on Telegram (@PIWUGroup) where we keep it con video game drama free so we can create without False Emotions Appearing Real being given any more stage time than they've already had!

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