8 months ago

https://wakeningstate.com/index.html The world is suffering from an identity crisis!
We are programmed from an early age that we must get a career and make money in order to be successful in life. But every now and then, our longing feeling for something more can resurface due to events in our life. We may even feel unhappy or depressed not knowing the source of these emotions. The material world may try to label or diagnose these spiritual feelings as a depression, a disability or a sickness. Perhaps even prescribing medications to suppress these feelings. This can hinder us from beginning our spiritual journey.
Perhaps we spend time searching for happiness in relationships, in a religion, a creed, a cult, in a social group, the business world, money, entertainment world, the arts, sports, or even turn to alcohol, sex and drugs. But in the end, we still have this nagging longing, loneliness and unhappiness. That nagging longing is our True Divine Nature and Identity calling out to us.

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