Revelation in Chronological Order in the Constellations: Complete Playlist

11 months ago

1. Leo part 1
Rev 4,5
2. Leo part 2
Rev 1, Ephesus
3. Virgo
Matt 24:1-8 (Beginning of Sorrows: 1,260 days)
Rev 12, first seal, Pergamum
4. Libra & Scorpio
Matt 24:9-14 (Tribulation)
Rev 11, second and third seals, Thyatira
5. Seals Transition
Matt 24:29
6th seal, Rev 7, Sardis
6. Sagittarius (Trumpets)
Rev 8,9, Smyrna, 5th seal
7. Capricorn (Thunder)
Matt 24:15-28,30-31
Rev 10, Philadelphia
8. Aquarius (Bowls)
Rev 14-16
9. Pisces
Rev 18
10. Aries & Taurus (Great Tribulation)
4th seal, Rev 13, Laodicea
11. Gemini
Rev 19-20
12. Cancer
Rev 21-22

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