PYRAMID POWER - DIY How to build a PVC pyramid

7 months ago

Companion video.
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Pyramids for optimal power have sides angled at 76.345º

This knowledge has be stolen, hidden, virtually lost.
The applications appear infinite - power/energy and communications to health and far beyond.

For those who feel it smacks of "new age" thinking, consider the fact that God's Living Word (Messiah, his mouth-piece) spoke these words;
"There is nothing new, under sol (the sun)"

Ecclesiates 1:9
That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.

What has been, will be again.
What has been done, will be done again.
There is nothing new under the sun.

Another fact to be considered.
"There is nothing new, about 'new age' knowledge".
Many have said this.
It's true!

Could say more, but enough said.

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