Historical correlated EMF damage and excess deaths 1889 - 2023.

10 months ago

Featuring Maria Zee & Anders Brunstad; on the discussion linking the timed release of frequency to the creation of viruses.

1850-1880 - The introduction of the telegraph and telephone - EMF (Electromotive Force) is invented & mental and other diseases spike on record. 1890 - Electrification following Tesla's patents increased massive EMF. The same year Kochs Postulate became the standard of virus testing & the first recording of a global pandemic. 1917-1920 during the "Spanish Flu" Millions died. AM/Short wave radio frequencies are introduced increasing the EMF signals further. 1957 - "Asian Flu" Millions died. correlated with the birth of 26 Ghz Microwaves for civil and military uses including Radar, TV and Radio. 1968 "Hong Kong Flu" corelates to the launch of communication satellites by microwaves. 2000-2003 3G launched and bees become depopulated. 2009-2011 "Swine Flu" corelates to the launch of 4G & 2015 4G+ (2+ antennas in your smartphone) corelates to the H1N1 pandemic. 2019 - Wuhan 10,000 5G antennas switched on and the planademic was declared. During the lockdowns 5G towers were installed in more rural countryside's including upgrading of streetlamps & cameras to emit EMF frequencies. Bird Flu and other animal diseases start being reported on. Plus much more due post 2023...Watch the whole interview for what's instore.

[MIRRORED] from Sabine-Orsitsch here:-https://www.bitchute.com/video/C05WoGQ3JkT6/ with thanks for publishing.

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