America Gospel Roundtable Sam Storm Justin Peters Discuss the Gift of Healing

11 months ago

America Gospel Roundtable Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman. Sam Storms talks spiritual gifts in the New Testament and How the Gifts of Healing works in the New Testament. Many people say "Lets go the the hospital and empty it out and get everyone healed". Sam Storms explains this is faulty logic and not how the gift of healing works. Healing is not something that people can carry in their back pocket. The Apostle Paul did not heal everyone. Sam Storms tells Justin Peters that he prayed for someone in his church to be healed of migraine headaches and they were healed. Then he prayed for another person for the same thing and nothing happened. Sam Storms explains it is God who decides who get healing according to his will, timing and circumstance. He believes healing is not something you can exercise at will or on demand. It can only come as God wills. If we understand this concept it would help bridge a gap between Christians.

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