Will the Internet ever be faster than FedEx?

11 months ago

Will the Internet ever be faster than FedEx?
If you want to mail something to your friend across the country, the best FedEx can do is overnight delivery, but you can send them an email and they’ll get it in seconds and it won’t cost you $70! But for big companies, it's the opposite. They regularly ship data across the country and around the world.

If you added up all the internet traffic today, it would come out to 167 terabits per second. FedEx has a fleet of 669 aircraft mostly made up of Cessna 208Bs, and Airbus A300’s and A310’s. Altogether, their fleet has a combined lift capacity of 26.5 million pounds daily. Top-of-the-line SSD’s have a storage density of up to 160 terabytes per kilogram, which means a FedEx fleet loaded with SSD cards could transfer about 177 petabits per second, a thousand times the internet’s current traffic level.

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