Excerpt from Scott Ritter about the Germans:

11 months ago

"As long as Germany as a nation collectively supports the policies it has adopted, there is no difference between you and the Germany of the 1930s. Not at all. And your fate will be the same. Prove me wrong. Take to the streets. Lead one Revolution through. Show me that you are not Nazis. Abolish your government. Overthrow your government. Do something. Be the exception to the rule. If all you do is sit at home, pick your nose and eat schnitzel, you are a Nazi. I hope I made myself clear. (...) And by the way, that's the essence of being a Nazi, because Nazis are not brave. Nazis are cowards. Nazis are people who sit there and live their lives, while the ashes from the concentration camp next door fall on their shoulders. And they brush them off their shoulders and act as if nothing had happened. That's what a Nazi is."

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