The High Elves: Warcraft 3 Custom Faction/Altered Melee Showcase

10 months ago

The High Elves are a race in the Warcraft universe that gain power from Sunwell which was created at a nexus of leylines and involved water stolen from the Well of Eternity, constant exposure to the Sunwell has made them addicted to it's energies ("High Elves" were apparently always high on arcane magic, what a fitting name), Since the destruction of their kingdom Quel'Thalas by Arthas Menethil who wanted to use the Sunwell to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, the High Elves have since renamed to Blood Elves in honor of their fallen comrades.

I forget to build the Silverworks until about the 4:50 mark, silly me.

As for units: The Cantonment allows you to train Combatant (the basic melee footsoldier), Ranger (the basic ranged unit), and Ballista (The siege unit). The Chantry gives us Spellbinder (offensive spellcaster that can make foes take more damage from magic), Enchantress (support spellcaster), Guide (anti-spellcaster unit that can remove negative buffs and deal extra damaged to summoned units), the Domestic Hall gives you Equestrian (mounted anti-air archer unit), Eagle Rider (a supporting flying ranger on a patriotic mount), and Spotter which is a "Magical assault far-ranged flyer" (direct qoute from the in-game description) that can land to become a hawk rider. Highborne Keep allows you to train the elite melee unit Highborne (which can be upgraded to deal more damage and spell immunity).

Heroes are: Heliomancer (a mystical hero that can use sun magic and summon a Celestial Orb, which amazingly is referred to as a Infernal), Guardian (a warrior hero that uses sun magic and can increase unit attack rate with Dedication Aura), Master Ranger (a cunning hero), and Saint (Mystical hero with offense and support ablities like Arcane Bombing that destroys mana as well as damage foes).

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This Warcraft 3 Altered Melee video looks at the High Elves, they have their own building models/retextures and this custom faction is also notably stronger during the day and weaker at night.

0:50: I forget to build the silverworks upgrade structure for like 4 minutes.

1:40: High Elf hero descriptions.

2:26: The High Elves are solar powered, gaining health and damage reduction in the sun.

3:15: A house with viking horns.

3:48: High Elf description.

4:44: This is when I realized I forgot to build the Silverworks.

5:36: Each Sentinel Tower can be upgraded into 3 different buildings.

6:07: Not comfortable with the guide model, looks like she has some kind of gag.

6:44: The Repository Shop items, though we don't hover our mouse over the Dust of Appearance.

7:12: Building more Farms or in this factions case Abodes.

7:40: The Highborne Keep appears to have a glitchy texture.

8:03: Eagle rider, nothing says America *beep* yeah like riding a eagle.

9:44: The Spotter can land, becoming like a jousting knight mounted on a Final Fantasy Chocobo bird.

10:50: The Last of the Silverworks upgrades.

12:15: A coin with a leaf on it.

12:39: The Guide unit portrait is glitchy.

13:34: We stage our forces near the enemy.

13:52: I forget to use the sunstone.

14:28: Yes it's referred to as a Infernal.

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