KIB 430 – Lulled to Sleep in the Midst of the Battle

11 months ago

KIB 430 – Lulled to Sleep in the Midst of the Battle
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

While the Church speaks of Spiritual Warfare, it has forgotten about the Principality War and how these fallen spirits control everything about life on planet Earth – from culture to politics. Much of the Church has been lulled to sleep by the affluence of Western society and no longer service has Heaven’s salt to purify the world's cultures. Today, many long for the world to accept them and are more influenced by ungodly culture than the Word of God. It is time to wake up out of slumber, pick up the weapons of our warfare, and reengage in the fight!

Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly. Dr. Lake is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell, The Kingdom Priesthood: Preparing and Equipping the Remnant Priesthood for the Last Days, and The Kingdom Warrior: Full-Spectrum Spiritual Warfare 1. He is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.

Mary Lou Lake has worked side-by-side with her husband in ministry for over 40 years and is the author of the book What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.

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