🚨🚨🚨IMPORTANT Will the human race disappear? Read the notes below.

11 months ago

History is written by the victors. To set up these notes, one must understand facts first, and understand how history, has been changed. The Nuremberg trials had facts and data, on those charged. The main charge for all, was "crimes against humanity". "The holocaust" we have been told now, is not the same displayed in the trial of the Nazis charged. The numbers of dead "jews", were nothing close to "6 million". The number "6 million" exactly, was floated around, AFTER WWI, by the "so-called jews". This is nothing against actual jews, which there may be some, but there are many jews, who say they are, but are not (Revelation 3:9). I have old books, of recorded history, that do not match up with history, we know now. Getting back to the trial, many do not know, in those work camps the Nazis created (actually created by the elites, bankers to reduce costs on supplies), housed not only jews (which if one would be asked now, you would assume, all were jews), but also POW's, American, British, French, etc, and hundreds of thousands of Russians. Many were starving in these camps, due to lack of food. The British and American bombing missions, had cut off the supply lines of food to these areas. The so-called gas chambers, were to get infestation off the workers, not kill them (which my uncle witnessed this first hand). The nazis weren't on trial for the propaganda we read and hear about today. This is a ploy, to make the jews today, untouchable.
Going back prior to WWII, specifically before WWI, the jews were kicked out of every nation for attempts to overthrow that nation, and have their own country (scripture is written, when they were sent out of the middle east, and scattered). In the mid 1800's few jews started settling into Palestine, into barren areas to farm. This was the same time, Rothschild's family started their banking schemes, in interest loans to governments (create wars, create need for loans from money they did not have). Rothschild's were of the bloodlines, stretching back to Cain (Bible), and they were/are proud of that fact. Same jews scattered, into Ukraine, Russia, then Europe, and mid 1800's Germany. Rothschild and his 5 sons, split up into 5 countries to do their banking schemes to lend money to both sides of wars to governments (first designs of "world banks"). By the reach of 1900, they had also infiltrated the US in companies (J P Morgan, just one), they wanted a bank in the US. They got their bank in 1913 (the Federal Reserve). In 1917, The Balfour letter, made way for jews to move to Palestine (since the British controlled this area). But, they wanted to have control of Germany as well (lot of history within the bloodline families tied to Germany, including the crown of England). WWI and WWII, were both wars to cripple Germany, to control the outcome of debt, spoils, land. After WWI Germany, was in far worse financial situation with the Armistice (11/11/18) signed. Rothschild's wanted to take over Germany, but did not succeed, the people voted overwhelming for a unknown veteran of WWI, a private Hitler. Unknown to most history books of modern time now, Germany was experiencing the same culture that is rampant today in the US (homosexuals, transvestites, beastiality, books on same matters sold in book stores, in schools. All done by the jewish community leaders. Hitler wanted to restore Germany back to greatness, and it's pride in the German culture (Nationalism, pride in one's nation). The nazis started cleaning out stores, libraries of the "filth", shut down hangouts for anything that went against the church. Agreements with Rothschild's to send many jews to relocate in Palestine proceeded. Many of the "gays, and unruly" went to Palestine, while some jews joined the nazis in the military. There were German jews over the work camps later in WWII. With all the debt Germany had incurred from WWI, Rothschild's and US companies went to work, to build up Germany and Hitler. Germany rose quicker than any nation out of the "Great Depression" because of aid from the bankers to their homeland. And for those who fled to Palestine, another goal was in the process, world domination, one day. With World Banks set up, the US military to fight wars for them, they were on their way.
After WWII, the term "holocaust" did not exist, the term "work camps" did. The work camps were for the jews who tried to overthrow Germany, AND the POW's majority being Russian. Strange how no one talks about the POW'S or the many Russians that died in the work camps, only Jews, and the number "6 million" (a number created after WWI). No one talks about the jews who tried to take over Russia before, killing the monarchy and slaughtering over 20 million Russian civilians in the revolution.

Now we come here, the same jews who moved from Germany after being kicked out of every nation, now are occupying Palestine since 1948. The same ones who created medical experiments on people, drugs, depopulation, etc. Note every pharmaceutical company has headquarters in Israel. The population in Israel was given the jabs first, and more than any other country. BUT, what was in their jabs? What was given to the rest of the world, they created? Klaus Schwab's advisor, is a jewish homosexual man married to a man, living in Israel. Follow the bloodlines, they tell much. The Bible emphasizes on bloodlines, times, numbers, ages, everything is important. Cain was born from a woman who was seeded from a "fallen angel", thus created a bloodline that exists today.
The internet is a tool, but actual old books, provide better history captured at the time of events. The truth has been altered into lies. In my opinion, the more I read, the Bible is the complete truth, that even archeologists are proving many books to be true. Satan is at work today. Our open borders are for reason. All the illegals did not get the jabs. The same jews are printing money, collapsing the economy, bringing armies across our borders, creating wars, the LBTQXYZ communities, diversity DEI, 15 minute cities, etc setting up depopulation, and moving toward a one world government. The US is their last country that has to fall. They will rule, and keep half a billion slaves to slave for them. They need some slaves to keep producing humans they can sacrifice, as they do now. The chip will be the mark of the beast, AI will control the remaining population, as tested in China controlling over 1 billion population.
Only solution, do not give in, take back our nation and government from them (they control our government, politicians, finances, everything, and start reproducing children now, to keep the human race going. This is our battle to survive.
God bless humanity and the righteous.
God wins.

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