JRE#2119 James Lindsay. Timestamps, Topics, Opinions, Sources

11 months ago


00:00 Hi!
00:48 #2119 @newdiscourses
3:00 Good News!
04:44 Quote of the Day


JRE#2119 James Lindsay
Spotify Direct Link: https://sptfy.com/QeUA

'00 The Border
China’s Plan
Communist Capitalism
Karl Schwab’s Father
‘30 Reasons He Got Canceled
Tucker in Russia
Demonising Opposition Voices
Gun Laws in Belgium to Censor Gun Memes
Double Standards
Paying People to NOT Commit Crimes
Is it all Intentional?
The Definition of Equity
01:00 Its a Cult!
The Chinese Influence in LGBTQ Movement
States Banning Transgender Care
Estatus of Limitations on Transitioning
Gay vs Queer
Charlie Kirk
Putting Yourself in a Gay Kid’s Shoes
The Reason we Don’t Regular Cancer Checks
Owning the Schools
01:30 James’ Documentary Trailer
Youtube Censorship
Mao Indoctrination Experiment in Prison
The Influence and Demonisation of Religion
Involvement of Intelligence Agencies
The Future of Woke Activists
Both Political Extremes are Equally Bad
WHO New Rules
Joe Biden’s “Cocktail”
Trump’s Public Speaking Expertise
02:00 Trump’s Indictments
DEI and Airplanes (Boeing)
“Absolute Zero” Carbon Footprint
The Reason why the West has to Decline for China to Rise
Creating New Markets in the West vs China
When was James Lindsay Rights / Wrong
Body Positivity Movement
02:30 Keto Diets
Ireland’s Law to Kill Cows
Climate Change
Using Religion for Their Narrative
Ceramic Breaks vs Regular
Biden & KSP

The Open Society and Its Enemies (Karl Popper)
The World Economic Forum (A Partner in Shaping History the First 40 Years) (Klaus Schwab)
The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids (Logan Lancing, James Lindsay)
Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography (David M. Halperin)
The Critical Turn in Education (Isaac Gottesman)
Beneath Sheep’s Clothing: The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America (Julie Behling)
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China (Robert Jay Lifton)
Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning (Xi Van Fleet)
Marx in the Anthropocene (Kohei Saito)

Mr Deng goes to Washington
James' Documentary
Trafficked (TV Show)
Beneath Sheep’s Clothing

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