Cancer Cure TED TALK - Frequencies (2m Something reminded me of the Anthony Holland cancer Ted talk

9 months ago

Cancer Cure TED TALK - Frequencies (2m)

Something reminded me of the Anthony Holland cancer Ted talk that I saw a few years back when talking for the hundredth time about the Todd Callander claim.

This shows exactly how a cell would look when releasing a pathogen. It also explained exactly how to do it and if you watch the full video you can even get the patent number of the device they’re going to use.

This is also a covert red pill, The caption mentions nothing about vaccines on purpose.

Should be a really good one to share and wake your friends and family up..

Ask them if they’ve heard about the new cancer cure?

If they ask you about the last part just tell them they don’t want to know… and if they get curious you got em!

Tags for searching: Marburg pandemic - Tod Calendar- Callender - cancer cure - 5G - cell phones - wifi

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