"Why Won’t You Say Mamma?!"

7 years ago

"If you’re a parent, you’ll know that the baby’s first word is pretty much a big deal. There’s even a bit of competition between a Mom and a Dad. Is the baby going to say mama or dada first? In this funny video, you’ll see a very persistent Mom who’s determined to get her baby to say, mama. However, the baby is persistent as well! She keeps saying da-da. All the time! This mom takes the defeat with a smile. That’s the spirit!nAccording to the experts, in general, infants will say dada first, although mama is actually easier for infants to say than dada. Babies have traditionally said "dada" first because while in the home with their mothers all day they hear talk about their father. So, moms give dads an advantage by talking about them frequently. Well, it’s no wonder this Mom has to work so hard teaching her kid to say ‘mama’!"

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