I want to go home

10 months ago

Ein Shibli, West Bank | “I WANT TO GO HOME”

Um Emad Shtayyeh & her family were expelled from her home by illegal settlers.

Today, Um Emad attempted to return home, only to be blocked by the illegal armed settlers. The illegal settler Sharvit, who has been sanctioned by the US & UK just last week for attacking Palestinians and Israeli human rights activists, would not let them enter their farm.

Once the IOF arrived, Hasan Abo Emad showed the Israeli occupation forces the ownership of the land on which his family had lived for decades.

However, the army told him you can’t return, you need permission from Matak (liasion) and refused them entry to even take their belongings.

#FreePalestine #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #CeaseFireNow #BDS #GazaUnderAttack

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