How can they allow Sh*t in our Food - GRAS = Generally Recognized as SH*T!

6 months ago

The FDA is a piece of sh*t that needs flushed.

Do you think the FDA will really protect you from cancer causing, allergy causing, junk they sell in grocery stores? NO. If they started doing their job 99% of the “food” would be immediately taken off the shelves.

Do you think your doctor will tell you what is healthy? NO. They won’t. They have NO freaking clue what is healthy.

According to at 2010 report in Academic Medicine U.S. Medical Schools only offer 19.6 hours of nutrition education through 4 years of medical school.

These students are learning “smart” things, like how to obey and trust the science provided by the FDA, NIH, CDC and the WHO. They will be their safety net, just prescribe the drugs that they want prescribed and tax payer insurance will make you very wealthy. If you get out of line – your license may be suspended.

Why are they putting ingredients in our food, here in the USA that have been BANNED in other countries? It is obvious they don’t have to and of course it would even be less expensive.

So why are they? Are they being ORDERED to do this? Is there some bribing going on?

Putting these dangerous ingredients in our food will make us much more apt to become ill. Then we can go to our well educated “health professionals” and get some goodies.

We will probably be on these goodies for life and these goodies will cause more symptoms so we can keep going back for even more goodies. It’s all good for the medical industry and big pharma.

The Food and Drugs are causing illnesses. The Food and Drug Administration is in bed with BOTH industries. They don’t work for the people.

Why is it that people who go to other countries and eat their foods with LESS ingredients report that they feel better?

Everyone should read their labels and know what the ingredients are. In the USA when you read a label, if your are not familiar with the chemicals and additives you will spend all day and then some researching what those chemicals do to the human body.

Two good websites to learn about your Food:

1. The Cornucopia Institute --

2. Environmental Working Group – EWG – -- they have food scores for 80,000 products in which the have ranked on nutrients, ingredients and processing concerns.

Go to EWG’s site and type in a food product, it will give you a rating of 1 to 10 with 1 being the Best and 10 being the Worst. Then it will tell you why they rated it that score.

This is a very good resource that EVERYONE should at least try.

Almost ALL food can be made with 5 or less ingredients. Now it’s a rarity to find one with less than 10.

One of the most important things we can do is put pressure on our representatives and help educate others learn just how unhealthy our food is. It is horribly unhealthy and the toxins listed as “GRAS” – Generally Recognized as Safe are not close to safe.

What it basically means is they think those toxins won’t kill you. They are definitely not saying that food is non-toxic.

The term GRAS is a 1970’s piece of legislation for a totally different era in which there was much less toxins and food additives.

GRAS does not consider the ACCUMULATION of the toxins. Which is just stupid. Completely ridiculous.

It also doesn’t even consider that you may eat other products also which has toxins in them. It is just ludicrous.

So what exactly does GRAS mean?

Food and chemical companies are permitted to approve the use of new potentially harmful additives and other substances in snacks, drinks and more without the Food and Drug Administration’s review and approval – all thanks to a regulatory loophole known as the GRAS rule.

GRAS, or “generally recognized as safe,” is a food category created by Congress in 1958. The GRAS designation was intended to apply to ingredients widely recognized to be safe, such as salt, water, yeast and chicken breast. So even though usually the FDA must approve any substance intentionally added to food, that’s not the case if it’s GRAS.

Once declared GRAS, an ingredient can bypass the FDA’s pre-market review process, allowing chemicals to be used in food, even if the FDA has never determined they are safe.

The GRAS rule, finalized in 1997, created a voluntary notification system that lets manufacturers bypass federal regulators’ review. Companies can identify and use new GRAS ingredients but are not required to share this information with the FDA.

This process has led to the addition of hundreds of chemicals to food products without FDA oversight.

Since 2000, food and chemical companies have used the GRAS loophole to approve 99 percent of new food chemicals, according to a 2022 EWG analysis. It leaves both the public and the FDA in the dark about the substances in our food.

“We simply do not have the information to vouch for the safety of many of these chemicals,” Michael Taylor, former FDA deputy commissioner for food, said in 2014.

The FDA recommends companies document the data that led to a GRAS determination and provide the information to the agency. But this is a purely voluntary suggestion. The GRAS rule doesn’t require it.

*Check out my other videos on the Food Industry below.



1. Truthstream Media --

2. So what exactly does GRAS mean? --


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END. 3/18/2024. 3:00 AM

1. **WEF Insider Reveals The ‘New 9/11’ – New False Flag Will Be a ‘Global Famine’


3. Warning: More Immigrants, Explosions, Fires and Attacks on our Food Supply --

4. Police Raid the Amos Miller Amish Farm for the Second Time for Providing Good Organic Food --

5. Sustainable – 2016 Documentary – We have become Disconnected from our Food Supply
**This is good. --

6. Texas Cattle Rancher Shad Sullivan – Warns About the Meat You’re Buying --

7. Pete Santilli – CIA Has Been Practicing What They are Getting Ready to do to Americans – KILL US! -- They plan on Shutting Down the Food Chain. --

8. X-Files – The Final Takeover of America – Are they telling us what is Happening Right Now --

9. Operation Sandman - 130 Nations vs USA, Famine, Starvation and Death to usher in the Antichrist --


11. ***Celeste Solum - Synthetic Biology EXPOSED - The Globalist End Game Plan --

12. FDA - Why Does the FDA allow these "Foods" to be Sold as Food --

13. 32 Degree Freemason Jeremy Gives another Warning – A Minute to Midnite 6-27-2022 -- Food Shortage to steer people to FEMA Camps --

14. Is the Gov buying our Food Supply and taking it to this Massive Underground Facility? --

15. Are You Eating Glued Meat? The World of Meatcrafting

16. How Hot Dogs Are Made

17. What are they doing to Our Food? – Is it even Safe to Eat anymore??

18. How can they allow Sh*t in our Food - GRAS = Generally Recognized as SH*T!


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