Holy Quran - Sura 66, At-Tahrim (The Prohibition) - Recitation by Al-Afasi

11 months ago

Surah At-Tahrim is the 66th surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means The Prohibition. It has 12 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Medina i.e., after Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah can be found in juz / paara 28.


This Medinian sûrah deals with an incident that happened within the Prophet's household. The Prophet ( ﷺ ) used to visit all of his wives in the evening. It so happened that he stayed longer than usual at the home of Zainab bint Jaḥsh, where he was offered honey- something he liked very much. Out of jealousy, two other wives (Ḥafṣah and ' ishah) agreed between themselves to tell the Prophet ( ﷺ ) , when he visited each of them, that his mouth gave off a bad smell, knowing that he ( ﷺ ) did not like bad smells. Eventually, the Prophet made an oath that he would never eat honey again, and told Ḥafṣah not to tell anyone about this. But she told ' ishah that their plan worked. Both wives are subtly advised to learn from the example of the two believing women mentioned at the end of the sûrah-Mary and siyah, the wife of Pharaoh-and take a lesson from the fate of the wives of Noah and Lot, who were both destroyed despite being wives of prophets. The believers are urged in this sûrah to mend their ways and genuinely repent to Allāh in order to win His eternal reward, whereas the disbelievers are warned of a horrible fate. The fate of the disbelievers is elaborated upon in the next sûrah.

Source and more Information: https://amrayn.com/quran/info/66

Full Surah At-Tahrim Recitation by Mischari Raschid al-Afasi.

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