This Tiny Rescued Pup Is Really Enjoying His Bath Time

7 years ago

We think it is pretty safe to say that we can divide all dogs in this world in just two categories - those who love bath time and those who run from it, never looking back. Whenever their owners mention the tedious activity, dogs either run straight for the bathroom, whining and barking at the tap to start running, or they run and hide behind anything they can think of, just to avoid getting a drop of water on them. It may have something to do with how they were treated when they were babies, which brings us to the conclusion that this little guy will love bath time forever and ever!

A two-week-old puppy was found abandoned in a dumpster with his two sisters. The small litter was found by Dallas Animal Service and referred to the DFW Rescue Me animal shelter, where volunteer Claire Fowler was tasked with looking after the babies.

Claire, a 21-year-old student, said: “The little guys need round-the-clock care – they can’t use the restroom by themselves or even regulate their own body temperature. I do everything for them and they need to be fed every couple of hours.”

When asked for what made her decide to film the puppy’s glorious moment of blissful nirvana, Claire said: “I decided to film him in the bath because he was enjoying it so much and I really wanted to capture it. He just looked so content.”

She adds that his sisters don’t enjoy bath time as much and would rather stay dirty, but it still has to be done. None of the babes have names yet because they are still so young, but Claire is certain they will all get good, strong names.

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