JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

10 months ago

You will NOT fall asleep on this 3.5 hr Documentary.
doonebug4 May 2016
I found this film through a social media post which was HIGHLY recommended. And, after watching it a couple times already, I can say the same thing -- I highly recommend that you sit with the remote (or mouse) in hand to do the "rewind" in catching the information that this film has to offer. It ties together many facts that JFK followers most likely have never heard before, or heard in pieces and the entire picture was still a blur. In order to tell the story in FULL and accurate details, a history lesson is given in the beginning of the film. The history lesson does not go back far enough in my viewpoint to demonstrate how all the crooked moguls get their fortunes. So, I would like to add that the Rothschilds created their fortune by directing a mainland courier to report to England that Napoleon had won the war. This caused a market crash in England and the Rothschilds bought up worthless stocks which sky rocked when truth emerged. This is not a film of entertainment -- this is a film of discovery. I was riveted. This covered areas that Hollywood would NEVER dare (because ALL media is owned by the 1%).

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