11 months ago

White Americans have been subjugated and emasculated by our government, we have been literally put to the end of the line in every aspect of American life. If we objected, even slightly, to having our human rights violated by these unlawful mandates/rules/policies our very own government, using their mockingbird media and big tech platforms called us racist thereby destroying our livelihood. Then they censored us from arguing the circumstances. They are now creating laws to silence everyone, using a digital banking system and massive fines / prison time structure. Personally, I've always spoken the truth, regardless of the consequences. For them of you who were too scared, or who just couldn't afford the loss that speaking your mind would have cost, I hope you now realize the TRUE cost of your silence, you are about to lose EVERYTHING. If you don't stand soon, there will be nothing left to stand for, nothing left to save, not even the children.

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