Oct 7 — Jews fighting like lions against all odds

10 months ago

In the first clip, a pereh adam hunting Jews is shot dead by an unknown shooter before he is able to finish his murderous rampage. He calls out religious prayers as he appears to bleed to death.

In the second clip, we see the terrorist holding the GoPro flee incoming fire from the Community Guards until he is killed. Israeli media reports say this battle at Kerem Shalom lasted for over six hours, These community guards, with help only from Hashem and not the IDF, held off a significantly larger terrorist force and prevented an even bigger massacre, surely to the chagrin of those who allowed this invasion to occur.

The Jewish guards lost two of their own in this firefight, to a terrorist grenade.

In the final clip, we see a new angle of the Gazan invaders' brutality, this time toward their own people.

During the attack, a small force of Community Guards (unseen in the clip) begins engaging the Arab death squad. One of the terrorists is injured (in what the terrorists themselves describe as friendly fire) and reaches out for help.

Rather than come to the aid of their wounded comrade, the savages apathetically take his ammunition and weapons, and leave him to die.

Credit: South First Responders
Main Telegram channel: https://t.me/s/southfirstresponders

No credit: The last responders who allowed this to happen and continue to give orders to our people.

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