David Adelman (The Peoples Lawyer) - The Truth Deficit

10 months ago

In this episode we meet David Adelman, The Peoples Lawyer. David is a speaker, activist, defence against the dark arts mentor, bridge teacher and author.

He was born singing and since then has known he was meant for something other than the matrix. In this episode we come away from his usual stomping ground of unpicking and mobilising the legal system against the cult and onto the subject of his cracking book "School: No Place for Children" and talk about education and it's real role in shaping good little consumers and slaves.

We widen the discussion to bring in consciousness, the mass exit from the simulation driven by the new medicine and the gritty business of waking up.

You can find David online at https://thepeopleslawyeruk.com/ and his Telegram Channel at https://t.me/thepeopleslawyerchannel. His YouTube Channel is to be found at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxbgHmNxODmfpCDV1B8OV2g.

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