"Epic Cat Fight!"

7 years ago

"You know kitties are feisty, right? Well, here’s the footage of an epic catfight! These two cats are fighting over the spot on the stool. One cat sits on the stool, while the other one is trying to overthrow her! It is Game of Thrones - Kitty Edition! And in slow motion. Hilarious! nWe all know that cats fight. There are a bunch of popular culture references to that fact but why do they fight each other? Well, the fact that cats are sweet and loving with their humans doesn't mean they're going to be sweet to another cat. Cats are territorial, so it's not uncommon for the addition of a new cat to the household to create some strife, just like in our video. The finale of this match was very exciting! The cat on the stool lost her spot after showing the best kung fu moves. Now that’s a match worth watching, trust us! Apparently, in this household, there can be only one!"

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