11 months ago

↓What did the Biblical Jesus do from the ages of 12-30?

- There is nothing written about him in the Bible, except “He grew in wisdom and stature and favor with man and with God..”

- He comes back at age of 30 - knows how to turn water into wine (alchemy), knows how to walk on water, knows who his soul family is (Tibet), knows exactly what his mission is (superconscious mind/soul stores your purpose).

- And he starts preaching new message (he was in Egypt learning the Eternal Life Wisdom) and the church pastors of the religion he grew up with plot and scheme to kill him because of this new message.

- He was in India learning the art of alchemy (turning water into wine), he was in tibet known as Master Issa (connecting with what he called the Father/his soul - receiving and grounding in his mission), he was in Egypt learning the Eternal Life Wisdom which says the Inner Christ is within you, and you don’t need a middle man between you and God…Father I pray that they may be one, as We are One.

- And then he says you will do even greater things than me - cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead. Freely you have received, freely give. Miracle are a natural result of increasing your consciousness. A Universal Christ Consciousness is now arising - and every DNA strand you accrete - there is a cellular memory that is released and we are re-membering. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

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