you can live for sumin besides carnal desires + ag reads Psalm 89

10 months ago

pretty sure i already showed yawl this poster
at this very man-made lake i recall working on this poster
celibacy is better
green (sick) + black (darkness)
there's a reason i made the letters rainbow
character building is still an option, so true!
the blending of the green n black actually worked very well
why i don't believe in smartphone technology...they (society) were already stupid
heaven n hell is a state of mind
i need to do more posters that stress the importance of choosing God
no morality in our society
in an effort to kill all dull moments, people have become quite dull
not all of us hate society, amy
this is a personal solution, damnit
getting away from everything is one of the best things anyone can do
all states of mind are in the Psalms
secular people can convince themselves that the notion of God that resides inside of everyone has some sorta clinical explanation, thanks freud!
identity is a form of possession
remember back in the day when people said _____ isn't all of me
elevation & degradation comes from the same place
blessed are the people who know glad shouting
there is so much to unpackage here
david really wasn't a good guy even tho He was anointed by the Lord
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him *1 John 2:4
once again it really just depends on the person
that awareness knob has been turned all the way down
everyone might as well get an AI gf at this point
i usually wake up n talk to myself first thing
i felt the shame of debasing myself in my addiction
doing bad things in good faith
is this a good interpretation or am i screwing it all up
a page n a half is pretty long for a Psalm

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