Episode 12 - When A Nation Becomes Possessed

6 months ago

In this episode I bring together two powerful forces that our nation is being consumed by. The first is all of the "do what thou wilt" programming that is pushing God, Religion, Morality & any notion of right or wrong out of our culture. It's being taught in Public School, it's being spewed endlessly in all of the most popular music, it's filling our TV screens with endless entertainment. Every avenue of influence has been captured by the demon possessed satanic agenda and it is programming our culture down a path to hell. And they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

The second powerful force is what can only be described as demon possession. It's as if peoples minds and souls have been taken over by some demonic spirit, they may look the same, or normal, or whatever, but the minute they speak or act it's pure demon energy. They are angry, they seem literally out for blood over the slightest sign of disagreement or anything that reminds them of what they have been programmed to hate. God, The Bible, white people, Trump, Conservatives, you name it, the programming comes flying out at the slightest provocation.

These two forces are combining and will eventually lead to many of the same horrors we have seen throughout history. The bloody carnage, senseless slaughter of innocent people, viscous attacks on anyone/anything seen as "the other."

The programming is spectacular, as I've said often, the controllers of all this have successfully hacked the human mind and they know exactly how to create the wicked conditions they are setting in motion with all of the horrific propaganda being unleashed on us daily.

They are setting the conditions using their strategy of terror. It's coming, it's building, it will continue to escalate over time until it reaches critical mass & then we will see hell on earth.

I hope and pray we can push this radical disease infecting our culture off course and defeat it altogether.

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