Bill Gates Net Zero goal for the western world. In other words the Genocide of humanity..

9 months ago

Bill Gates Net Zero goal for the western world. In other words the Genocide of humanity, leaving only the elite and their stooges left to rule the planet.. 'A lot of human activities generate greenhouse gases: Generating electricity, transportation, growing food, heating buildings.. Because we need to get to zero emissions by 2050, we have to come up with an alternative way to perform those same activities without emitting any greenhouse gases'.. Self-appointed globalist technocrat, Bill Gates, demonstrates how.. since all human activity, including breathing, results in CO2 emissions the 'CO2 will lead to climate apocalypse'.. narrative is merely a pretext for unelected globalist megalomaniac elites to dictate, control, regulate and micromanage the permissible scope of all human activity, under the guise of 'saving the planet'..

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