What are the Objectives of Itikaf in islam اسلام میں اعتکاف کے مقاصد کیا ہیں؟

11 months ago

What are the Objectives of Itikaf in islam اسلام میں اعتکاف کے مقاصد کیا ہیں؟
Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers friends and elders we are dicribing of Itikaf.

What is Itikaf?

The literal meaning of i?itik?f is to stay or hold oneself down. In a religious context, i?itik?f means to hold oneself down inside the masjid, with an intention, for the worship of God with specific stipulations while abstaining from certain matters. It can also refer to reside in the masjid as an act of worship and or to wait for prayer at the place of prayer. – (Q?m?s Al-Fiqh Li-Al-Ra?man?y)

What are the Objectives of Itikaf

The purpose of i?itik?f is to be in God’s presence at the most beloved space on earth, [the masjid] to seek His blessings. Additionally, to disconnect from everything and everyone possible to attain special focus on God. – (?abr?n?y, Shar? Al-?Umdah, Q?m?s Al-Fiqh)
If i?itik?f is conducted in Rama??n, to attain Laylat Al-Qadr (the night of power). – (Bukh?r?)

What are the Virtues of I?itik?f?

Rewards of emulating and following the Prophet Mu?ammad (peace and blessings be upon him) – (Bukh?r?)
Perpetual rewards during i?itik?f equal to every good deed that can be done. – (Ibn M?jah)
I?itik?f in Rama??n is equivalent to ‘Umrah in rewards. – (?abr?n?y)
I?itik?f in Rama??n is a means to achieve Laylat Al-Qadr. – (Bukh?r?)

What is the Status of I?itik?f?

I?itik?f in general is a prophetic practice (sunnah). It elevates to an emphasised prophetic communal practice (sunnah mu?akkadah al-kif?yah) during Rama??n, especially the last 10 days. – (A?k?m Al-Qur??n Qur?ub?y, Al-Ba?r Al-R?iq)

How Many Types of I?itik?f are There?

Obligatory (W?jib): This is when one makes a vow [or a promise] to God, to observe i?itik?f. The minimum duration for this type is at least one day, accompanied with fasting, according to most jurists. – (Al-Bad??i Al-?an??i)
Encouraged Prophetic Practice (Sunnah): – This is the i?itik?f conducted during the last 10 days and nights of Rama??n. Fasting is a requirement for this category. – (Rad Al-Mu?t?r, Al-In??f)
Recommended (Musta?ab/ Nafl): This category is considered primarily by ?anaf? jurisprudence. Apart from an intention there are no other conditions. One simply makes an intention of being in i?itik?f, as long as one is in the masjid, and therby attains

We pray to Allah almighty give us permission to follow sunte nabwi. Ameen Allah hafiz

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