Milla Jovovich - Ultraviolet (2006)

11 months ago

Milla Jovovich

Ultraviolet (2006)
In the mid-21st century, an accident occurs in an illegal U.S. biotechnological laboratory, where they tried to create super-soldiers to subjugate the third world, but the project goes wrong. As a result, part of the Earth's population becomes infected with a virus that overwrites and replaces DNA, mutating into hemophages, creatures with vampire fangs that are stronger, faster and smarter than humans, but have very short lifespans due to genetic unravelling.

Humanity starts a war against the hemophages, and they subsequently go underground. As law enforcement agencies are unable to stop the infection, sovereign nations collapse, human rights are abolished, and due to the state of emergency on the planet, governments establish the ArchMinistry, a powerful corporation and joint world government that usurps the United Nations and World Health Organization. Hemophage supersoldier Violet Jat Shariff is part of the rebel resistance underground, looking for ways to fight back.


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