Brazilian Journalist's Shocking Warning to America | Tucker Carlson Interview

7 months ago

👉 Would you let something like this happen in America - even to journalists you disagree with?

In Brazil, something worrying is happening 🚨. The leftist government in power has arrested journalists who don’t agree with them 🤐.

This is scary because journalists help us know the truth by telling us what’s happening in the world.

Imagine only hearing a “government approved” side of a story. Who says the government’s version is the ONLY version or the correct version?

Could similar arrests happen in America, the land of the free and home of the brave? And not just to journalists, but to anyone who dares to voice an opinion outside the “approved” narrative?

It’s a question we all need to think about.

In America and Western countries, we cherish our freedom to speak, think, and live as we choose.

It’s what makes Western ideals special. But we can’t take these freedoms for granted.

We all need to stay alert and be involved in what’s happening around us.

Vote, speak up, and stand up for our rights. And if you’re in America, then fighting to uphold the country’s Constitution along with its amendments is critically important.

Let’s make sure America stays the land of the free, where every voice can be heard loud and clear! 🗽✊

Stay informed and take a stand for your freedoms.

Credit: @tuckercarlson

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