Ross Rd to Confluence Upper Little River, Lillington NC

11 months ago

Myself and Garett decided to make run of Little River, Upper, at 7.78ft and Cape Fear was at 5.19ft at the end of the paddle, I would not suggest any lower than this for Upper Little River as you will hit and scrape a lot of rocks, we both weight 190lbs, so you lighter folks will be OK. This section is different than one before it, as rocks are more plentiful, also know as Rockopotamus, which lurk, waiting to ambush kayakers.

This has fast become one of my local favorites due to twisting, narrow river with steep banks and pretty clean of liter. Onething about downfall here is that it usually stretches from one side of the river to the other, so you can easy duck and go. We did encounter about 4 downfalls, nothing that could not be easy to go through. The beginning of the Upper Little was very peaceful and relaxing the weather was awesome, I am really looking forward to spring time as the mountain laurels will be in full bloom, the sight and smells , after all the awful pollen clears away.

We took a little break around 12 noon relaxing, by the river and enjoying the surrounding nature. In no time we was on the Cape Fear River, the water was moving fast, and all the features we normally run into was under water or washed away, I think we made it from confluence to take out in 30 minutes, Erwin.

Myself and Garret learned a few lessons, the water is still very cold, some splashing into the kayak, make sure your drain plug is tight, or you will extra water, don’t listen to Scott, Scott is a bad influence.

Wildlife, several deer, lots of mallards and some wood ducks, a Loon ( Garretious Paddlious ), which was in a blue rhythm kayak. 2 dogs, several hawks, gray and red, herons, Fisher King, my personal favorite.

Bless you and yours for all your days

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