Doing my best Dick Dastardly impression in Pokémon Silver (Part 35) (ELITE FOUR)

11 months ago

In this episode, I challenge the Elite Four, Johto's strongest bunch of trainers. I start off by preparing all of my items and pokémon for the gauntlet. Up first is psychic trainer Will, also known as Lorelei in drag. Will's psychic types prioritize brains over brawn, so they are all very squishy. Slowbro gets a few setup turns, but he still folds like a shirt. After Will is the ninja master Koga. Because Koga is a ninja, he relies on the art of deception to get things done. A lot of double teams, toxics, and sand attacks. Luckily, meatball is able to throw enough rocks at his bat despite all of the evasion bonuses. The third trainer on the list is fighting master Bruno. Bruno wasn't strong in Kanto and he isn't strong here either. My lugia is able to aeroblast the fighting types and waterfall the rock types. The final member is Karen the dark type master. She tells me that strength is all a perception, so I should try to win with my favorites. My favorite is a little underlevelled, but the moral support is still there. After beating the Elite Four, I make my way to my Rocket busting friend Lance. The fight against Lance is a little tough, and I do use one full restore mid battle (I'm not proud of it either). Oddly enough, my HM mule shiny Gyarados delivers the final blow on Charizard. I put my pokémons' data in the Hall of Fame, the credits roll, I go back to New Bark Town, and Professor Elm gives me an SS ticket that allows me to get to Kanto (off camera).

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