The Border Crisis: How the US Government Facilitates Child Trafficking

11 months ago

Welcome to our Mindful News Brief series where we discuss highlights from our weekly newsletter with nuance, uncensored investigation, and compassion for all sides. And no matter the topic, we always end our news briefs on an inspiring, constructive note. Let's work together for the greater good.

"The U.S. government has become the middleman in a large scale, multibillion-dollar child trafficking operation that is run by bad actors seeking to profit off of the lives of children." — testimony of Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas

The partisan culture wars in the media drown out any meaningful discussion of the real and current threats to children safety, human rights, privacy, and local governments when discussing the border and immigration crisis. Through broken border policies, government agencies have become a child trafficking and exploitation service.

These difficult considerations can bring us together across our political differences to ask a few core questions:

• What would real media coverage on this issue look like beyond identity politics and partisan polarization?
• What would real government protection and oversight look like when it comes to vetting the caregivers and sponsors responsible for unaccompanied children?
• Given the shocking child sex trafficking scandals within high levels of government, is it possible that powerful people are somehow benefitting from this situation?
• What would a real humanitarian, compassionate approach look like to the border and immigration crisis?

Disturbing information like this can paradoxically remind us of the greater good. It is the courage of the people and the love for the common good that bring these injustices to light—fueling uncensored dialogue and constructive action.

- A powerful and deeply moving video of 'Hugs not Walls,’ an event that united families at Rio Grande
- The full testimony of HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas to the House Judiciary Committee (featured in video):
- The full interview with DHS whistleblower Aaron Stevenson (featured in video):
- An investigative journalist exposing corruption in the large government-funded facilities housing thousands of undocumented children
- A whistleblower and former immigration contractor Carlos Arellano alleges that the US government is the largest trafficker of children in the world. Watch an interview of Arellano share his shocking experiences at some of the immigration facilities:
- A Department of Homeland Security insider who explains how international child sex trafficking gangs exploit “Reasonable Fear” loophole in border policies
- An investigation into how immigration enforcement has become the new source of income for private prison companies after US President Biden signed an executive order banning federal contracts with private prison companies in 2021
- The House Committee on Homeland Security full hearing on the human cost of broken US border policies:

Pediatric "Body Packing" — how kids are used as drug couriers

Want to know "more about how the US war machine has destabilized countries and foreign economies all over the world? Check out sections: War Failures and Lies, Operation Paperclip, Rise of the CIA, Who’s Behind the War on Drugs in our Military-Intelligence Corruption Information Center:

Child sex trafficking operations reach the highest levels of government. Here's a list of some of the best coverage of the issue we've found:

60 Minutes Exposes Top Politicians as Pedophiles
Discovery Channel Documentary Reveals Major Child Sex Abuse Ring
Jeffrey Epstein: Child Sex Trafficking and Blackmail
Sexual Abuse Scandals in the News
U.S. Government Involvement with Child Abuse and Cults

As long as we choose complacency over awareness, these dysfunctions in the system will continue.

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