April 12 Morning Devotional | Relief for a Heavy Heart | Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

6 months ago

Morning, April 12 | “My heart is like wax; it is melted within me.” —Psalm 22:14 (NASB)

This Morning's Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:14-19 (NASB)

“I am poured out like water,
And all my bones are out of joint;
My heart is like wax;
It is melted within me.
My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
And my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
And You lay me in the dust of death.
For dogs have surrounded me;
A band of evildoers has encompassed me;
They pierced my hands and my feet.
I can count all my bones.
They look, they stare at me;
They divide my garments among them,
And for my clothing they cast lots.
But You, O Lord, be not far off;
O You my help, hasten to my assistance.”

Devotional Video Transcript:

Our blessed Lord experienced a terrible sinking and melting of soul. “The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, but as for a broken spirit who can bear it?” (Proverbs 18:14) Deep depression of spirit is the most grievous of all trials; all besides is as nothing. Well might the suffering Savior cry to his God, “Be not far from me,” for above all other seasons a man needs his God when his heart is melted within him because of heaviness.

Believer, come near the cross this morning, and humbly adore the King of glory as having once been brought far lower, in mental distress and inward anguish, than anyone among us; and mark his fitness to become a faithful High Priest, who can be touched with a feeling of our infirmities. Especially let those of us whose sadness springs directly from the withdrawal of a present sense of our Father’s love, enter into near and intimate communion with Jesus. Let us not give way to despair, since through this dark room the Master has passed before us.

Our souls may sometimes long and faint, and thirst even to anguish, to behold the light of the Lord’s countenance. At such times let us stay ourselves with the sweet fact of the sympathy of our great High Priest. Our drops of sorrow may well be forgotten in the ocean of his griefs; but how high ought our love to rise! Come in, O strong and deep love of Jesus, like the sea at the flood in spring tides! Cover all my powers, drown all my sins, wash out all my cares, lift up my earthbound soul, and float it right up to my Lord’s feet, and there let me lie, a poor broken shell, washed up by his love, having no virtue or value; and only venturing to whisper to him that if he will put his ear to me, he will hear within my heart, faint echoes of the vast waves of his own love which have brought me where it is my delight to lie, even at his feet forever.

Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening is a classic daily devotional that has been inspiring Christians for over 150 years. It is a collection of 732 meditations on Scripture, one for each morning and evening of the year. Spurgeon's writing is known for its clarity, insight, and wit, and his devotionals are full of practical wisdom and encouragement.

Spurgeon's Morning and Evening has been a blessing to millions of Christians over the years. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to grow in their faith and knowledge of the Bible.

Here are some of the benefits of reading and watching Morning and Evening Daily Devotionals:

-It will help you to grow in your knowledge of the Bible and your understanding of God's Word.
-It will provide you with practical wisdom and encouragement for your daily life.
-It will help you to develop a closer relationship with God.
-It will challenge you to grow in your faith and to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version.
Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. lockman.org

#HeavyHeart #Devotional #CharlesSpurgeon #Psalms

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