🚨 Warning from a Chinese Immigrant: Escaping the Cultural Revolution

9 months ago

📚 Mao’s America by Xi Van Fleet
Buy 👉🏾 https://amzn.to/3IGTKJc

📣 Dive into the gripping tale of an Asian American immigrant who survived the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guard in Communist China. Xi Van Fleet issues a stark warning against history repeating itself, shedding light on the indifference of school boards like Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) to these cautionary tales. Brace yourself for the shocking revelations straight from the pages of history. #XiVanFleet #AsianAmericanImmigrant #CulturalRevolution #RedGuard #EscapeFromCommunistChina #WarningMessage #TuckerCarlson #SchoolBoardIndifference #PowerfulStory #ChineseHistory #ImmigrantExperience #ShockingRevelations #XiVanFleet #AsianAmericanImmigrant #CulturalRevolution #RedGuard #EscapeFromCommunistChina #WarningMessage #TuckerCarlson #LoudounCounty #LCPS #AntiWoke #CultureWar 🌏🔥

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