Tank Bacon - Dirty Donny Rotten DACA Bacon Social Media Posts

11 months ago

Donnie Rotten posted that soldiers in tank units are committing suicide. They're committing suicide because they have stupid pathetic and weak losers, like him, in command now. These soldiers would rather commit suicide than continue in the toxic, clueless, and meaningless milifairy environment under the leadership of DEI CMLGBTQ BIPOC politically placed officers. You, and frauds like you, are the problem.

#donbacon #nebraska #election #nebraskaelection #milifairy #tank # #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #teambacon #baconbackers #nebraskaelection2024 #votenebraska #nebraskavote #senator #senaterace #visitnebraska #wedontdcoast #givingtuesday402 #idiot #loser #phony #terrible #worstever #moron #cheap #trick #stupid #fraud #jokes #joke #pete #ricketts #scumbag #whitetrash

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