⛔️This is Irish TV. They are saying that after same-sex marriage,

6 months ago

divorce and abortion, the "next-step" is going to be Euthanasia.
All the lovely gifts of Globohomo.
About the photo:
"Best Money We've Ever Spent" - Lindsey Graham
Washington Post reports the almost complete annihilation of the Ukrainian male population thanks to Western War Hawks like Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley.
"Civilians here say that means military recruiters are grabbing everyone they can. In the west, the mobilization drive has steadily sown panic and resentment in small agricultural towns and villages like Makiv, where residents said soldiers working for draft offices roam the near-empty streets searching for any remaining men. Such tactics have led some to believe that their men are being targeted disproportionately compared with other regions or bigger cities like Kyiv, where it is easier to hide.
Locals use Telegram channels to warn of soldier sightings and share videos of troops forcing men into their vehicles — stoking rumors of kidnappings. Some men are now serving time in jail for refusing to sign up.
“People are being caught like dogs on the street,” said Olha Kametyuk, 35, whose husband, Valentin, 36, was drafted in June by soldiers who approached him and asked for his papers after he stopped for coffee on the main road outside Makiv. Despite a diagnosis of osteochondrosis, a joint disorder, he passed his medical exam in 10 minutes, she said, and deployed to the front, where he was wounded."
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/15/ukraine-village-mobilized-men-war/
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Final Redpill Part 14: 9/11 - Chapter One. (48.6 mins)
The grim downfall of Russia's relations with the West
Fantastic read for beginners to the movement and new to Q!

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