Nevada county assembly committee of safety served the COUNTY OF NEVADA Municipal

11 months ago

Today, Tuesday March 12th, 2024, the Nevada county assembly committee of safety served the COUNTY OF NEVADA Municipal Corp. Board of Supervisors (BOS) with “'Notice of Personal and Criminal liability and Waiver of TORT" with 5,000 pages of evidence showing the 'Jabs' true purpose.

The Nevada county assembly committee of safety have seen no evidence and denies any exists:
1) That the BOS have a valid oath of office;
2) That the BOS have the required performance fidelity bond;
3) That the BOS are not a for-profit foreign corporation impersonating the original government of Nevada County which was created as Guaranteed Republican in form of Government;
4) That the BOS has not aided and abetted genocide and treason on the county by not stopping deployment of the COVID 19 vacsine;

The Nevada county assembly committee of safety demand that the BOS vacate their offices within 3 business days, to enable the common law Grand Jury foreman to go ahead and appoint a provisional government until lawful elections can be held.

This is how we take the power back to We The People!

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