Ongoing global health crisis – 2024

6 months ago

Ongoing global health crisis – 2024


The brave men and women you will see in these videos are willing to risk everything to inform the world about what they are observing in their respective fields of expertise. The common thread is that they all feel like they have a moral obligation to do so. You probably will be shocked. Rest assured though that there are solutions to these problems, and we will investigate them at the end of the presentation. The most popular Internet search engines such as Google, Social media such as Facebook, and video viewing platforms such as YouTube and Mainstream media are all funded and controlled by the people who have the money and the power. They are doing a very good job at censoring this information from the public, but thankfully, it can be found on independent platforms such as Substack, Rumble, Brighteon, BitChute, The Highwire and many others. Countless doctors also have their own private websites to help shed some light on the situation. This is a very small glimpse of the information which is available, but I believe that it paints a pretty clear picture.

Covid is a gain of function research bioweapon.
(Video is 20 min. in total. At least watch from 4:11 to 12:00 min.) In this video, Dr. David E. Martin is speaking at the 3rd International Covid Summit | European Union May 2023 Credentials: Dr. David E. Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. He is the developer of the first innovation-based quantitative index of public equities and is the Managing Partner of the Purple Bridge Funds. He is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM. Actively engaged in global ethical economic development, Dr. Martin’s work includes financial engineering and investment, public speaking, writing and providing financial advisory services to the majority of countries in the world.

Excess all-cause mortality worldwide.
Dr. John Campbell (Video is 15 min. in total but you can just watch the first few minutes and you will get the message.)

Insurance companies report high number of deaths in working age group.
Dr. John Campbell (Video is 10 min. in total but you can just watch the first few minutes and you will get the message.)

Turbo cancers in all age groups.
(1 min.) Credentials:Dr. William Makis MD. Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar.
Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.
(10 min.) Credentials:Dr. Ryan Cole is a board certified Anatomic and Clinical pathologist with a subspecialty training and 20 years experience in dermatopathology and particular interest in molecular diagnostics. Dr. Cole is licensed in states from coast to coast, and serves patients and clinicians across the country by providing accurate and timely diagnoses. Cole Diagnostics processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually. In the last year, the lab has handled over 100,000 COVID testing samples.

Myocarditis deaths in young people.

Embalmers find white rubbery clots in 20% of cadavers.
“Died suddenly” documentary.

Airline pilots dying
Start at 6:45 to 11:00 min., myocarditis and revised testing guidelines starts at 11:45, high altitudes and blood clotting starts at 21 minutes (Dr. Makis will testify at the next inquiry about young hockey player deaths)
Tucker Carlson (4 minutes)
Pilot says airlines in trouble, pilots collapsing, not enough trained pilots (11:50 to 23:20)

Doctors dying

Professional athletes dying on the field.

DNA fragments found in the shots by the billions enter into cells.
Florida Surgeon General explains how this happens
(Short version)
(Longer version - Gets into the evil behind these products)
Kevin McKernan former team leader for reseach and development for the human genome project at Whitehead Institute – M.I.T. discusses the flaws of the vaccines.

In his book “The signature in the cell” Stephen Meyer shows that we are made in God’s image. Our DNA is what makes us who we are. It determines how everything in our body is made, from the colour of our eyes to our brain’s capability to communicate with our creator.

Pathologist Doctor Ryan Cole
Vaccine effects under the microscope. Very graphic.
(Spike protein found everywhere in the body. Starts around the 17 min.mark)

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.
Psalm 30:9
“What profit is there in my blood, When I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise You? Will it declare Your truth?

World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) Masterplan
The elites want under the skin surveillance so that they can have total control and create what they believe to be a peaceful society. However, they can’t use force to control because that is not how humans were designed. This may be why Satan wants to de-humanize us by changing our DNA, control us with under the skin surveillance, and basically enslave us all.

Yuval Noah Harari, the best-selling author and celebrated advisor to Klaus Schwab.
(Video is 60 min. but you can just watch the first 11 min.)

What is the W.E.F? (4 min.)

Depopulation agenda
Bill Gates 2012 Ted Talk (1 min.).

Transmission and/or shedding of toxins. (mRNA, graphene oxide, foreign DNA)
The reality of Shedding: 0-24 min. (Documents) 24 min.-end (Microscope images)
This is her Rumble channel
Doctor Peter McCullough (3 minutes)
What happens when a non vaccinated person had sex with a vaccinated person?

Dr. Robert Malone: Vax Killed 17 Million People Worldwide

Air travel has become unsafe
(start at 11:50 to 23:20)
Aussie Freedom Flyers (mentioned above)

Holocaust survivor documentary ‘’Never again is now global’’
Video is 4 minutes: Vaccines holocaust – Vera Sharov
Documentary: 5 part series

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Feb. 26th, 2024 Roundtable Discussion (4 hours)
Round Table February 2024 – (4 hours)
Between 3 hours 25 min. to 3 hours 32 min.: Dr. Sorin Titus Moncatiu - Romania
They have the lowest vaccination rate and also the lowest excess mortality in Europe.
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable - 14 minute summary
Kevin McKernan former team leader for reseach and development for the human genome project at Whitehead Institute – M.I.T. discusses the flaws of the vaccines.

Shocking documents reveal Trudeau covered up top Canadian gain of function lab infiltration.


Dr. William Makis – 72 hour water fasting (Video is 4 min.)

Dr. Vaughn (Internal medicine physician) - Triple anti-coagulant therapy (Video is 51 min. but you can just watch from 7:30 to 16:30 min.)

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
U.S. Senate testimonial on Ivermectin
The war on ivermectin
Seminar in Australia – Propaganda, Ivermectin (1 hour)

Dr. Peter McCullough – Multi-drug approach (Video is 58 min.)

Dr. Robert Young – The PH Miracle
Please listen to at least zero to 30 minutes (Dr Young says he will send you all his peer reviewedstudies for free)
Doctor Robert young talks about a new product made of zeolite marine plasma.
At 40 minutes, he says that our interstitial fluid exactly the same as marine plasma.
Zeolites have a negative charge act like a magnet to remove toxins.
At 46 minutes there's a short video.
This may be the solution to the pollution.
Detox formula ‘’MasterPeace’’ promoted by Dr. Young (videos)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – Zeolite Detox Formula
Interview with Mike Adams

Dr. Ed Group – Urotherapy

Dr. Bryan Ardis – Monoclonal anti-bodies, Nicotine (You can view 27 to 58 min.)
At 27 min.; Harvard study shows that nicotine is not addictive.
At 36:45 min., Dr Ardis mentions the cleanest patches available (Rugby on Amazon) Use 3.5mg (21mg cut in 7 pieces) prophylactically for the rest of your life. Gum (Lucy) 2mg at a time a couple of times of day.
At 40 minutes; Animal studies have shown that Nicotine can cure a brain tumour in 72 hours.

Revelation 12:9-129 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.

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