11 months ago

Invading other countries is no joke unless you’re a U.S. State Department spokesperson. Watch Matthew Miller say straight-faced that his country does not dictate to other countries and then burst out laughing when a reporter quips: ‘Unless we invade them.’

Miller was taking questions over why the U.S. won’t use its leverage to rein in Tel Aviv’s bombardment of Gaza. So far, over 31,000 Palestinians have been killed, and the UN’s top court (ICJ) says it could be genocide.

To suggest the US can’t influence Israel’s actions is ridiculous, considering it arms and funds its close ally. What’s more, the need to protect civilians was the excuse used for the US-led NATO bombing and destruction of Libya in 2011. For some reason, protecting civilians in Gaza is now outside Washington’s remit.

Here’s a list of countries the U.S. has invaded since 1945:

1. Korea
2. Vietnam
3. Cuba
4. Grenada
5. Panama
6. Yugoslavia
7. Afghanistan
8. Iraq
9. Syria
10. Libya
11. Somalia
12. Guatemala
13. Nicaragua
14. Lebanon

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