Reign and Avi first time loose together - 15 March 2024

10 months ago

Reign arrived for training Friday 15 March 2024. Initially she was shown the high tensile electric fence in the small lot via walking her around the inside perimeter twice in each direction while tapping the top strand of wire with the end of the lead to make it wobble to ensure she saw it. First direction was with me closer to the fence - twice around (the leader should be in the more risky position - this makes sense to the horse.) Second time - Reign closer to the fence (because I already showed her it was safe to be near the fence wobbling about). Why both ways? - so the horse processes it with both sides of the brain via seeing it with each eye independently. Then Reign's halter was pulled off and she was allowed to graze and get used to the new place on her own for a couple of hours with Avi (my mare) across the fence from her. ---- Then I saddled up Avi, worked the gate while horseback to get in with Reign and gently herded Reign around with Avi to teach Reign that Avi and I as a team controlled her movement - in other words we taught Reign that Avi and I as a team are the boss because we control the movement of the herd. After just a few minutes of gentle herding Reign understood and I dismounted and put one of my 4 Knot halters on her with a 12 ft lead tied to it. We then moved to teaching her to pony - apparently she had been ponied before but she did not act like she understood that while being ponied her job is to keep herself in the proper position relative to the horse ponying her - which is with her head next to or very close to the rider's knee - not to lag back - not to try to get ahead. We worked on ponying both directions in the small lot until she seemed to have a basic understanding then while mounted and ponying I worked the gate to get into the front pasture. With Reign closest to the fence we then went around the inside perimeter of front and back pasture fences twice. (If we went the other way the horse doing the ponying would block her view of the fence.) We then went on a 3.4 mile trail and road ride which included a little second gait and 0.1 mile cantering while being ponied. Upon returning while I was still mounted Reign was released into the front pasture, then Avi was unsaddled and released into the front pasture. This video was started just a few seconds after Avi was released. It shows the first time Reign and Avi are loose together.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
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Freedom is the cure - Learn, Love, Live the Principles of Liberty .
How did your federal and State reps and senators vote in relation to the Constitution they are oath bound to defend and uphold? .

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