11 months ago

"HAel or HAël MAY refer to PEOPLE"

MAY OR MAY NOT aka up you is all 'white lies', thats wake up calls only, people not have idea how much can do nor how much done or how is why all people not been wake up already, also satan not exist only 'evil doing' 'evil doers' been ready paid deep programmed automatic negativities with replace love life into skills reasons how become robotic zombie type beings who hide minds group minds collective minds hierarchys groups all negative who copy mimic follow lower dimension beings aka alien cannibalistic behaviors slavery on all forms how be become super slavery who stay on victim level low frequency informations intels levels, satan is only empty promises given by lower dimension beings for control groups with promises aka deals contracts for plans to automatic negativities, also lucifer not how luciferians been made lucifer sound alike look alike they only twisted turned bended teachings whats not original nor source

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