The Quitting Field Is Over There - It's Not Here

1 year ago

It is amazing to me that as we draw closer to this 2024 election—that is not just another four-year election—as we continue to change this information warfare battlespace dramatically in our favor, I see people abandoning the fight and giving up as if we've lost already.

Be careful who you follow.

There are people out there supposedly on our side who do nothing all day but take the latest news and developments in this vital war for the future of our country and our world and deliberately frame them to have maximum impact for generating fear, panic, and hysteria.

GET RID OF YOUR AUTHORITY FIGURES. Develop your discernment. Lean to spot deceptive/manipulative framing presented by others—even if it's from people you are told you can trust.

The lazy who turn their brains off and just trust what they're told by their authority figures are delusional - they are not really in this fight, and they never have been.

Quit listening to people who have mental attitude problems, which can frame any win or progress in this vital war into a nothing burger or even a defeat.

To those who have quit, you were called to this fight by God. You can quit when He tells you to, not before. Desertion is not an option. Your feelings shouldn't be driving your bus.

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