ReDeclaration of Independence Returning America to God

11 months ago

Barry Hinckley joins Pastor Greg to dicsuss his ten point plan to enact a ReDeclaration of Independence.
When in the course of American history it becomes evident that our government is no longer protecting our God-Given rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, yet rather serving the interests of itself, a duty is upon us, as citizens, to stand up and defend those rights enshrined in our constitution and endowed to us, by our Creator.

Furthermore, it is clear to these citizens, of these United States, that many leaders in our government, over the course of time, have so perverted the laws and institutions of public service, to their benefit, that a ReDeclaration of our founding values and rights is required to maintain those sacred rights.

As our First Amendment clearly states, it is our right and duty to petition our government and its representatives for redress. By this document we hereby express those rights and that duty and point to the following issues and corresponding remedies demanded in the face of our Government’s malfeasance. We demand that these grievances be cured through the election of patriotic citizen Representatives to the U.S. Congress, who have signed and pledged to enforce this ReDeclaration of Independence, its 10 tenets, and thereby govern in a manner which guarantees the future Solvency and Liberty of these great United States.

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