Dryfire Drawstroke Speed Drill - MARS Mobile

11 months ago


Getting fast on your draw stroke is one of the easiest ways to improve your competition shooting times. Beyond being fast from the draw, it is also important in self defense and concealed carry contexts. Getting out of the holster and on target accurately may actually be the most important skill that you can train regularly.

To facilitate this we’ve developed the MARS Mobile drawstroke mode. This mode incorporates a start timer, either fixed or random depending on your settings, that will train you to draw from the holster based on a trigger, in this case the shot timer, and time how quickly you can fire a round on target.

Your goal here again is speed with combat level accuracy. Try to get your draw time plus time to first shot on target to under 1.2 seconds consistently. It is very difficult to do, but if you can get there you’ll find that you’ll be one of the faster shooters in any given competition.

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