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Prophet Julie Green - Teaching - Knowing the Power of Words - Part 4 - Captions
Good morning, everybody. And thank you for joining today's show today. This is part four of knowing the power of your words and how it can change your life. So yesterday we concluded that broadcast with the story I gave to you regarding my son and how in the situation of a life and death. And now it's important to have your first words line up with the Word of God and what God wants you to say and what God needs you to do in order to have the outcome that God wants you to have.
✝️ Another Awesome Teaching from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
I gave you several different scriptures yesterday. On the power of your words, I will give you several several more today and expound upon The power of your words and why it's important how many scriptures there really are There's so many scriptures and so many illustrations In the bible that god has given to us about words that people didn't even know were in the word or didn't They knew it was in the word, but they didn't take it seriously and god said again.
We were supposed to earnestly today Remember, not only the things that God has done, but also the things that God says, he's given us great revelation. And I'm going to give you stories in the Bible today and tomorrow of outcomes that happen when people said what God needed them to say. Because people, let's look at these scriptures and go, well, that's a good story, but are you learning?
What that person did that God needed them to do to have that outcome, either the right outcome, or they said what they wanted, believe what they wanted and got the opposite outcome. So I have plenty of these stories to give to you today in the word of God and give you illustrations. Because again, why this in depth teaching is so important is because again, so many people did not know this, but also there's so many things in the Bible that people didn't know it related to the power of words.
And these they've read these scriptures they've heard these stories but had no idea it pertained to the power of words I really didn't either so I started studying this even greater I knew some of them but some of them I was like he showed me and I was like Yeah that too and it was just so exciting So we're going to start today.
Like I said the end of yesterday's broadcast. We're going to start today with the shunamite woman Okay again The power of your words and how they can change your life now the shootamite woman you can find this in second kings Okay, turn to second kings
and Verse four or sorry second kings and chapter four is what I meant to say Second kings and chapter four now the shootamite woman. She prayed she she was barren She could not have any children And then the prophet came to her, Elisha, and he said, by this time next year, you will bear a son. And she's like, you know, don't mess, you know, don't mess around with me.
I'm barren. And he's like, you know, I haven't been able to have a child. And he said, by this time next year, you're going to have a son. All right. So this is verse 17, 2 Kings, verse 17. Chapter 4. Verse 17 second Kings chapter 4 verse 17 But the woman conceived and born a son when that point in time had come of which Elijah had told her So again, Elijah the prophet prophesied this time next year.
You are gonna bear a son. She did It's that appointed time, not even just any time that year, the appointed time that year verse 18 and the child grew and now it happened one day that when he went up to his father to to the, with the reapers verse 19 and he said to his father, my head, my head. So we had his servant carry him to his mother.
He was having a heat stroke is what I'm under. I understand. He go out there. He probably was dehydrated and he was dying from that. Yeah. Yeah. From the heat then in verse 20 says when he had taken him and brought him to his mother He sat on her knees till noon then he died so he Died just like again when my son was dying.
He wasn't he wasn't dead, but he was dying He was on the verge of dying. He was probably just minutes away.
I had to speak what god needed me to speak Well, this woman as a mother, she saw her son dead. She didn't start panicking. She didn't start crying. That's natural. For most people. What panic is are crying. Look at what this woman of God did. So she knew the prophet of God spoke him prophesied that her son was, you know, she was going to have a son.
She did. Now all of a sudden this son died. Look what she did. This is a powerful story about words and about that firm, focused foundation on the Father. All right, let's keep reading. Verse 21, And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door upon him and went out. Verse 22, Then she called her husband and said, Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys that I may run to the man of God and come back.
Now, look, she spoke to her husband and didn't even tell him or anyone else that he had died. She didn't say a word. She just said, hey, I need to go to the man of God, get me a servant, get me a donkey, do it now. But she didn't say anything. What we are tending to do as humans, because I know I have, I have been guilty of this countless times.
When something's wrong, you want to speak what's wrong. You want to tell somebody else so they can feel sorry for you, or they can Agree with you that that situation is horrible.
God is training us. He wants us to be trained up in the right way. Look at what she did. Verse 23. So he said, why are you going to him today? And she's getting another opportunity to say our son is dead. But she doesn't take it look on the opportunities that Satan put pressure on her to say something and she refused it So he said why are you going to him today?
It is neither the new moon or the nor sabbath and she said it is Well, she didn't say our son just died and I had to go to Elijah to raise him up from the dead again She said and as well verse 24 Then she shut settled a donkey and said to her servant drive and go forward do not slack in the pace You For me unless I tell you so she's telling him you better go fast You better go as fast as you possibly can but she doesn't tell him what's wrong either now Look, she gets more opportunities to say what has gone on and what she just just happened to her and her son Verse 25 and so she departed and went to the man of God at Mount Carmel And so it was, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to his servant, Gehaziai, Look, the Shunammite woman, he knows her.
Again, he remembered, he prophesied over her, that she was having a son. He knows her. Verse 26, Please run now to meet her, and say to her, Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with your child? And she answered it is well. So again, she had an opportunity to say the wrong thing. Why do you think God has put this in the, in the word as a great example, first words are important.
The first words that she said when she came in contact with another human being right after she's witnessed her son dying on her lap, she said, all is well. And then she kept saying, all is well, all is well. She didn't change it. Even when the man of God, she could have had the opportunity and just started to start breaking out crying and saying, Oh my God, Oh my God, he's dead.
He's dead. He's dead. Come and save him. When Gazi was sent to her, she said, all is well, even with her son. And in the natural, he died. It wasn't well with him, but she wanted God's result. She wanted him raised from the dead. And so she chose to shut her mouth. And be sensible with their words, and only speak the right words.
Verse 27. Now when she came to the man of God, and to the hill, she caught him by the feet by Gehazi. I came near to push her away. But the man of God said, let her alone, for her soul is in deep distress. So the prophet knew something was wrong with her. He could feel it in his spirit. Just like there was one time I was in Florida and my sons were at home.
The Lord had woke me up in the middle of night. One of my sons almost died that night also. And he woke me up that night and I was grieved in my spirit and I knew something was wrong And I knew was wrong with one of them and I I was so grieved And I started praying i'm like lord I don't know how to pray so I started praying in tongues because when you don't know how to pray pray that way I didn't know what was wrong until I found out the next morning that he almost did die again The same one,
but even though I was states away, he woke me up out of a deep sleep. I was grieved and knew something was wrong with my child or one of my children.
But again, God, I didn't know how to pray. I said, Lord, whatever is wrong. I rebuke it. I rendered it helpless. I proclaim and decree the blood of Jesus Christ. And I also speak life. And then I don't remember as I said, no weapon formed against me shall prosper or my family or my children or whatever it was.
I don't remember exactly how it was. This was, this was quite some time ago, like a year and a half ago, whatever God told me to say. So anyway, he says Our soul is deep in distress and the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me. I didn't know what was going on either. I'm, again, I probably would've been a little bit more unsettling or panicked because I wasn't near them.
I couldn't hit my hands on him. I couldn't, I couldn't. You know, I was far away and I felt helpless. So I guess it was better for me not to know at the time. All right, let's keep going. Verse 28. So she said, did I ask a son of my Lord? Did I not say, do not deceive me? Then he said, did he gaze the eye, get your now, he knew something was wrong with her son.
He knew right then and there something was wrong with her son verse 29 Then he said to get hazy I get yourself ready Take my staff in your hand and be on your way if you meet anyone do not greet him if anyone greets you do not Answer him but lay my staff on the face of the child He knew the child was dead
verse 30 and the mother of the child said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you so be So he arose and followed her. So again, she's on it. This is a mother on a mission You Alright, she's a mother on a mission. She will not let this go. She will not let her son go. She knew that God gave her that son.
She was not gonna let it go and neither was Elisha.
Verse 31 now Gehazi went on ahead of him and laid the staff on the face of the child and there was neither voice nor Hearing therefore he went back to meet him and told him saying the child has not awakened So it's confirming that the child was dead When Elijah came to the house There was the child laying dead on his bed and when he went therefore shut the door behind the two of them and prayed to the Lord He went up and lay on the child, put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands, and as he stretched himself on him and embraced him, the child's flesh became warm.
Elijah laid on top of him, eye on eye, mouth on mouth, laid on him and prayed over him, interceding to bring life back into his body. Then he returned and walked into the house, and to and fro, went up again and stretched himself upon him, and the child sneezed seven times. This Then opened his eyes. Then Elijah called Gazi and said, call this Shunammite.
So he called her. And when she came, he said, take up your son. She came and fell at his feet, bowing herself to the ground. Then she took up her son and went out. What's the whole point of that story is she would have just succumbed. And said, my son is dead. My son is dead. My son is dead. Or went to her husband and said, our son is dead.
Our son is dead. Our son is dead. He would have stayed dead. Just like why she said it is. Well, she would not speak. I'm going to give you another example of this powerful story about what happens even when somebody is dead and they come back to life again, or when somebody keeps saying the right words to receive their healing, again, all this goes back to the power of your words.
Okay. So again, if she would have said the wrong thing, she would have had a totally different outcome. But she said the right thing, she did the right thing, she kept her mouth shut, and when anybody talked to her, because again, Satan will bring people in your path purposely to get you to say the wrong thing so he can entrap you.
Satan wanted that child to die, but she didn't give him the permission with her words, and she kept saying, uh uh, all is well. And it was. She got what she said, not what it looked like. She got what she wanted, not what she had. That's important. All right, let's turn to Matthew. Oh, sorry, Mark. Let's go to Mark.
This is the New Testament now. I was just actually watching this with the Chosen again last night. The one with the issue of blood and Jairus. So it was in season, season three, I think it was like episode five or six or whatever. And I love watching it. I love seeing the reaction of Jesus when the woman with the issue of blood in her face.
But I want to show you what happened and how she received that. It wasn't just by the touch of his garment. It was what she did and what she said leading up to the touching of the hem of his garment. It was wonderful.
Let's read. Mark 4. And start with sorry, Mark 5. I will get this right. I promise. I keep wanting to go back to the parable of the sower because the sower So is the word i'll probably get to that tomorrow. We'll see mark chapter 5 and start with verse 25 This is the woman with the issue of blood Again, this is a story about words Okay, and both the story of the one with the issue of blood and the story with gyrus Both of them is a testament of the power of words in a life and death situation And what you can do leading up to this To receive a healing and what you can do in life in this situation and that you receive life instead of death No matter what it looks like.
Okay, so verse 25 now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years So she was sick for 12 years. All right, she had a chronic illness Verse 26 and had suffered many things from many physicians She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather your worse. I know exactly how that felt That's the Lord's had me read this story many times But I didn't get this story totally about the power of words right away either eventually I did but look at this She heard of the reports concerning Jesus and she came up behind him in the throng and touched his garment now before She got to him.
Okay, she kept saying if I could just touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole I could touch the hem of his garment. I shall be made whole. She kept saying she was building up her faith and confidence. If I could just touch the hem of his garment, I'm going to be made whole on me. So she had that atmosphere of expectancy.
It wasn't the hem of his garment that had the power and anointing in it. It was her faith It was her faith if I could just I don't even I can't I can't touch him because you know She was unclean and she was unclean. She wasn't even supposed to be there. This was a huge testament to this woman She was under so much pressure She could about get up and quit at any time because jaris who was right next to her when she did throng jesus She he could have stoned her because she was unclean.
She couldn't even go into the city And if she did, she's supposed to y'all on clean, unclean. She was not supposed to touch anybody. And if she touched anybody, anybody she touched, they had to go, they had to go wash themselves and clean themselves. In the water she didn't let threatening of her death stop her.
She let the crowd stop her There was a crowd thronging jesus. They were everywhere. She pushed through that crowd She had so many obstacles and so much adversity and said well I can't i'm just gonna die because I can't go into that city and then when she got there When she actually went up and got there all of a sudden everyone's surrounding him and she knew the person that was right next to him Could have killed her so there's not for opportunity She had pressure where she could have given up and quit But she just kept saying if I can just touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole words words in this situation Changed her outcome She received her healing because of it verse 28 for she kept saying if I can only touch that his garment I shall be restored to health.
That's why I love the classic amplified Edition version to this scripture verse 29 and immediately her flow of blood was dried up at the source and suddenly she felt in her Body that she was healed of her distressing ailment and Jesus Recognizing in himself that the power proceeding from him had gone forth and turned around immediately in the crowd saying who touched me You Well, everyone was touching him.
But she had the power of that touch of faith because she kept saying it was a power of her words That led up to her getting down her heart a man thinking of his heart So is he but the butt of the heart the mouth speaks She just know I heard that jesus jesus heals and jesus is gonna heal me If he could help other people he's gonna heal me I'm gonna stay on this word, but if I just touch the hand of his guard, I shall be made whole This was a faith statement.
So if you're going to You Healing revivals if you're going to church on sunday, and if you want hands laid on you instead of saying all week long I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick. So saying I am getting my healing I am healed in the name of jesus. I thank you father god I have hands laid on me and i'm gonna receive my healing.
I am not gonna back off. I'm not gonna back down I am I have my healing in jesus mighty name. I thank you father god. I have my healing in jesus name I thank you father god that today is my healing day and to start speaking it because just like the woman with the issue of What? She kept saying power of your words you get those words down in your heart Your heart is like your your heart is like soil.
Okay. It's like you're sowing seed in a soil and just like I live in farm Country, so there's corn crops everywhere in beans and you know things like that Well, what does the the farmer have to do to create and get to get a harvest? He's got to first plant the seed in the soil. Our heart is like a soil In our soul and in our spirit.
And so what we have to do is have to plant these seeds. The seeds of the word of God and we plant them and then they grow and they will produce a harvest So instead of saying everything negative that we want which most people do and they're so used to that they get a harvest of destruction But we plant the seeds of our in our heart of the power of the right words of healing of restoration of soundness of wholeness Then that's what we're gonna get
now again verse 31 and disciples kept saying to him You see the crowd pressing around you from all the sides you ask who touched me You Verse 32, still he kept looking around to see who had done it. Verse 33, with a woman knowing that he had been done to her through alarmed and frightened and tremble, fell down before him and told him the whole truth.
Do you think Jairus is standing right next to Jesus? Jairus's daughter is dying. He has an opportunity to say I'm gonna kill this woman so I can hurry up and save my child. She's Prolonging Jesus laying hands on his daughter to raise her up. So dry again There's so many different parts of the story that it's so powerful that people need to know Verse 34 and he said it to her daughter Your faith now again, it's your faith or your trust your confidence your belief in God God I know that I have my healing today God.
I know that you have set me free God I know by the blood of Jesus Christ that I am redeemed from the curse I know father God that I shall live and not die. I don't care what that doctor report says I believe your report in the name of Jesus and I thank you father God. I will live That's different.
That's faith. So again, he said daughter This is verse 34 your faith and your trust and confidence in me springing forth and God has restored you to health go into peace Continually be healed and freed from your distressing bodily disease So he healed her from a chronic illness a chronic illness that she had no more now look at verse 35 So she got her healing because she kept saying Now Jairus also believes, that's why Jairus went to him.
Say, hey, my daughter's sick, lying at the point of death. Come and heal, hang your hands on her, she will be healed. You can find that, you turn back to
verse 22. So now I'm going to start talking about the story of Jairus. First was the story of the woman with the issue of blood. This is Jairus story. Mark 5 verse 22 and behold one of the rulers of the synagogue came to Jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and begged him earnestly saying my little daughter lies at the point of death come lay hands on her and She may be healed and she will live.
So it was Jairus's word to Jesus if you come and lay hands on her She will live. She didn't say, Oh my God, she's dying. She's dying. She's gonna die. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. She's out lying at the point of death, but you lay hands on her, Jesus. She's gonna be made whole. She will live. Look what happens.
Turn back to verse 35. While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler's house who said to Jairus, your daughter has died. What happens? Satan Automatically brings out fear and brings out pressure and that bad report an opposite report or contrary to the Word of God So he had a he had a choice to react just like the woman with issue with a Shunammite woman She had a choice to react to now watch and said Jairus Your daughter has died.
Why bother and distress a teacher any further? So he's saying you might as well give up your daughter's dead verse 36 Overhearing now jesus overheard these words Overhearing but ignoring what they said jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear Only keep on believing shut your mouth.
Don't say a word. Don't he was cutting that off Sorry, I clapped if that was loud into the microphone, but he was cutting off that fear. He was cutting off that death He was cutting off the report of the enemy. That's what we have to do We have to cut off the report of the enemy when it's contrary to the word of god You He was getting Jairus's attention now jump down to verse.
For the sake of time jump down to verse 38 look down at verse 38 when they arrived at the house as ruler of the synagogue He looked carefully when they understand at the toolment the toolmolt And the people weeping and wailing loudly verse 39 and when he had gone in he said to them Why do you make an uproar and weep the little girl is not dead, but she's sleeping So jesus is also saying she's not dead.
She's asleep verse 41 Gripping her firmly by the hand. He said to her talitha kumi which translated his little girl I say to you arise from sleep of death And instantly the girl arose got up and started walking around for she was 12 years old And they were utterly astonished and overcome with amazement But do you think that jars would have got that outcome if first he didn't say jesus come lay hands on her I just showed you in verse 23 He said Jesus come lay hands on her.
She will live then another opportunity where he had pressure on him Growing when they said she's dead don't bother him anymore. And jesus said and cut that off and said uh uh Don't get in fear. Don't be seized with alarm You Just keep believing that means don't say the wrong thing. He cut off those words then by Jesus's word get out of here She's just sleeping to all those people who that were mourning her and then he said arise and then she lived But it started with Jairus his faith.
It started with him speaking the right words in a life and death situation We have a choice in every situation that we're in to speak words of life or speak words of death. That's why these two stories right here, and the Shunammite woman that I've given you, and the one with Job that I've given you, and I'm gonna give you more tomorrow.
I'm gonna give you some, another exciting ones. About the power of words along with some more scripture Well, I want to pray over each every one of you father god We thank you that you are giving us revelation knowledge on how to speak in life and death situations Whether it comes to our family our marriages our children or our nations But you are giving us a revelation of right and forcible words.
We tear down every word, not only we spoke, we tear down every word that anyone spoke against ourselves. Anyone spoke against our health. Anyone spoke against our children. Anyone spoke against our families. Anyone spoke against our nations and we're asking for a crowd failure of those words. Those words will not produce a harvest.
We thank you father god your words will go forth and all is well in our nation All is well in our families all is well in our our bodies All is well in our finances all is well father god because we believe And the power of your words and we trust that you are faithful to perform your word So we thank you father god for all of this revelation in jesus name.
Amen. Amen So we're back tomorrow with more on Knowing the power of your words and how it can change your life and this will be part five So I hope it's encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone. You know, when he's here, an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free.
God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
Scriptures for today Thursday 3/07/2024 "Knowing The Power Of Your Words And How It Can Change Your Life" -Part 4.
Courtesy of @Kenbarrett77
2Kings 4:17-37
Proverbs 12:18
Mark 5:22-41
Luke 21:15
Have a blessed day my Brothers and Sisters. 🛡🛡🛡🙏🕊🙏🕊 GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
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