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Prophet Julie Green - Teaching - Knowing the Power of Words - Part 3 - Captions
Good morning everybody and welcome back. And thank you for joining today. And today we're going to learn knowing the power of your words and how it can change your life. Part three. So yesterday in part two you learn about Job and how he Learned the power of words and how forcible right words were under his dire Circumstances and everything that was going wrong in his life.
✝️ Another Awesome Teaching from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
He's asking God, God show me where I have erred Teach me to hold my tongue. It says how forcible are right words And I also gave you the example of what happened in my own life in a life and death situation because of the words that I had spoken over myself. God showed me where I had erred. He showed me the words I spoke.
I asked for forgiveness, asked for a crowd failure, and my life and my circumstances and my health. Turned around almost immediately. So again, God is going to show us, I'm going to give you lots of different examples in the Bible here. I'm going to give you a lot of scriptures and that's the reason why I wanted to take my time and do this very in depth teaching on the power of words, because this may be the first time that any of you have ever learned about how powerful words are.
And then they're not just used as a form of communication. It says in God's word, again, I'm going to read that scripture, John 6, 63, God's words are spirit and they are life. Unfortunately, a lot of the body of Christ and a lot of God's people today are speaking the words that are contrary to God's word.
They're speaking the words that the enemy wants us to say. So God is retraining us on how to speak in agreement with him and get his results. So I also gave you the scriptures of proverbs 6 and verse 2 I'll go over that really quick again because again, we're building this foundation and if you missed day one or part one of this series Please go back and watch because that was also the foundation Of how god built the world with his words how we were made like him And now we are created like him to speak the truth The right words or his words to create things in our life, the right way, the enemy knows the power of our words.
He knows that, but he has made a great deception in religion and legalism in the body of Christ where God's people haven't been taught that. So they don't know. And that's the reason why it's so important for me to give you these keys. To give you this revelation on what God is saying, how powerful these are, because then not only do you know what to say every day, but then you're also going to know how to pray.
It's important to know what to pray or how to pray, but it's also important on what we say every day. When we're outside of our prayer and now that can affect if we have our prayers answered or not. So that's the reason why I wanted to take my time and do this in depth teaching for you. Okay. So Proverbs six and verse two, we're going to do a little bit of going over a couple of things from yesterday and then I'm going to go even deeper and show you even more scriptures, new and old Testament.
All right, Proverbs chapter six and verse two, you are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. Again, snared means you're entrapped. So we get imprisoned by our enemy. He holds us captive by our words. Okay. I gave you the definition of snared, which is. To catch or it means to come to possess or control by or as if by seizing so satan can seize us Or he can entrap us he can imprison us with our own words proverbs 18 20 through 21 It says in the c.
e. v Translation make your words good. You will be glad you did words can bring death or life talk too much and you will eat everything you say. So now again, you're learning that what you say is important, not just in prayer, but what you're saying outside of prayer on a daily basis. So now I'm also going to read to you, let's go to Hmm.
Let's. I have so many places where I want to go with you today. Let's read a few more scriptures. Let's expound upon this Psalm 19. Let's go psalm 19. I'm gonna give you lots of scriptures today So hope you could have time to write them down. If not, pause this write it down Proverbs 19 and then later on this week.
I'll give you even more examples of how good It can be when you have that faith and trust in god And you're saying the right words and the outcome you can have is the outcome that god wants you to have So i'm going to give you a lot of good things as well with this But people have to know the good and the bad.
Okay. All right. So proverbs 19 and verse 14 Let the words of my mouth And the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Oh lord my strength and redeemer again. It says let Let the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart Be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my firm, impenetrable rock and my redeemer.
So if we look at, let's look at this in the CEV translation, the Lord has had me study this a lot. Actually, I've never looked at the CEV translation and all of a sudden he's having me look at it all the time. So let's go to Psalm. 19 in verse 14 in the C. E. V. Let my words and my thoughts. Now it's not just getting into words, but it's also thoughts.
It's important because a man thinketh in his heart. So is he then the scriptures and our scripture says, I have fun of the heart, the mouth speaks. So now he's teaching us. And our thoughts are also important. I'm not going to get into that fully right now. I have to get into these words. All right. Let my words and my thoughts be pleasing to you, Lord, because you are my mighty rock and my protector.
So if our words and our thoughts are lining up with God's words and his thoughts, again, we know that. With his word is his will and if we're lining up his word or our words with his words Then we know he's our rock and our protector. I gave you that example yesterday Of a job and how job was excuse me I'm moving my chair of how job was when he Had that hedge of protection around him that god put around him And now satan tried to he's accused of brother and tried taking it down.
God wouldn't take it down satan Couldn't take it down Job was the only one that did, and could have, and he did, because through fear, or through his words, he became snared, or entrapped, or enslaved by the enemy. And so Satan just had a heyday with him, because he had fear, and he was speaking those contrary to God's Word, he was speaking the words that Satan needed him to say, and he was entrapped.
And he was believing it too. And you can see that in the book of Job, but again, he learns and then at the end he gets, he receives double for everything that was stolen from him. So Job does learn and there is a happy ending with the story of Job. All right, let's go to Psalm 34 and verse 13, Psalm 34 and verse 13,
keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. I'm going to give you tons of scriptures here. Why do you think that God had to say so many different scriptures about the power of words and then you have half of Christians now today or more have no idea about the power of words? God is saying over and over and over again in his word how forcible words are, whether they're right or they're wrong.
Again, Proverbs 34 and verse 13, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking defeat, deceit. Yeah. Deceit. Let me look up
this in the CEV translation as well. I won't do this with all of them, but there are some that I will.
Psalm 34 in verse 14, 13, sorry. Psalm 34 in verse 13, then don't say cruel things and don't tell lies. So don't say cruel things and don't tell lies again. Get your line, your words aligned up with God's word. All right, let's go on to Psalm 141 and verse 3. Psalm 141 and verse 3. Set a guard over my mouth, Lord.
Keep watch over the doors of my lips. That's the N I V. Translation set a guard over my mouth lord Keep watch over the door of my lips. This is psalm 141 verse 3 now david Now I just read this is three verses now in the book of psalm that i'm reading to you That david was talking about the power of words So then david so you had job had a great revelation of the power of words and now you're saying that david You Has a great revelation on the power of words and then even goes farther with david David even goes farther and says lord keep watch over the doors of my lips Who's asking lord to keep his mouth shut and help him to say only right words So let's read this psalm 141 verse 3 Let's read this out of the cev and see what it says
help me to guard my words Whenever I say something help me to guard my words whenever I say something so again You're learning the power of words and now it is scriptural And now the devil has tried to take it out of the body of christ So the churches are not teaching this revelation They're not teaching what god is saying how powerful words are of course words are powerful god created the worlds with his words You And he created us in his image and he's saying hey say the right words and create With my words, that's why it's so important to know God's words and to speak God's words And not to say just any old word and not to say definitely not say what's contrary to the word Like I said yesterday people say that stuff all the time.
Oh my back is killing me You know, my feet are killing me or my kids are driving me up a wall There are so many things that people say they don't realize they're saying them Because they're just phrases and sayings that people say and they don't think anything of it don't care And then they're wondering why things are going wrong.
It's because satan entrapped them by those words You Without them realizing it we are learning a great revelation because again in a time frame that we're living in this pivotal moment in Human history, it's important to know the power of the Word of God and the and the power of Agreement with the Word of God.
Let's go to Proverbs 10 Proverbs 10 and verse 19 Proverbs 10 and verse 19 in the multitude of words sin is not lacking Amen But he who restrains his lips is wise. So basically he's telling people stop running off at the mouth and just saying any old words. Be careful of what you're saying. So let's read this out of the CEV again.
All right. Again, it's important. Just don't read just one translation sometimes because if you can, if you're doing an in depth study like I'm giving this to you this week. You can learn more by looking up more than one version. There are some religions that will tell you, you can only look up one scripture reference.
I'm like, what? Who says? There's more translations. You don't have to just go by one because some people can learn in different translations easier than they can by others. Just like they can learn by other people than they can learn from other people. All right. The CEV translation, Proverbs 10, verse 19.
You will say the wrong thing if you talk too much. So be sustainable or sensible and watch what you say. So now God is saying, if you're, if you talk too much, you can say the wrong thing. He said, so be sensible to watch what you say. So you have David in Psalm telling us, Hey God, put a guard over my mouth.
And help me say the right thing in Proverbs here it's saying we're supposed to also watch our mouth I asked the Lord God. I'll ask the Lord all the time Lord. I asked for forgiveness for every word I've said knowingly or unknowingly anything that was contrary to your word. I repent of those words I asked those words to have a crop failure that those words will not produce a harvest against me and I thank you father God for forgiving me and I thank you father God that the Lord or that the enemy cannot hold me You We're learning this that the Satan cannot hold us by our words because we're saying the wrong thing.
All right. Now let's look up Proverbs 10 31 Proverbs 10 31 the mouths of the righteous, those in harmonious with God bring forth skillful and godly wisdom, but the perverse tongue shall be cut down like a barren and rotten tree. All right, let's look this up in the C. E. V.
Let's see here, Proverbs 10 and 31. It says, honest people speak sensibly, but deceitful liars will be silenced. So again, it's talking about how we as a body of Christ should know to talk sensibly. We should be watching what we're saying. So we should be careful on the words that we speak. All right, let's keep building on this foundation with more scripture.
Proverbs 12.
Proverbs 12 and verse 14.
From the fruit of his words, a man shall be satisfied with good and the work of man's hand shall come back to him as harvest. And another translation, the NLT, the new living translation says, wise words bring many benefits. So again, we're learning to speak the right words. Now, God has given us this revelation for quite some time now.
Now, if you just started following me in this ministry, God has said it to us before that we need to speak the, not what we see or speak what we have. We need to speak what we want or we so desire so say for instance people are speaking. I'm so sick I'm so sick. I'm so much in so much pain. I have this problem.
I have that problem. I had this problem That's why they have it and they're building upon that mountain and they're literally building upon that Wall that Satan's in prison them in so do you see? That God is giving us revelation when Satan tried to hide it. Satan doesn't want you to know the power of your word.
There are so many religions that will say, this is just so stupid. Really? Then you, then you're not reading the word. I'm giving you the word of God. So what's contrary to God's word. When God is giving us all these things, I'm giving you the word line upon line, piece upon piece about what God is saying about the power of words.
How forcible right words are how forcible wrong words are what we need to be saying. And now do we bring agreement with God because people are blaming God for their prayers not being answered? And it's actually because of what they're saying on outside of prayer. They're not saying what God needs them to say and satan is using those negative words.
He's using those words of death. He's using those words of sickness. He's using those words of pain to keep you in enslave enslave you and keep you in that present self When God is saying His Word is truth, and that truth will set you free, that's why it's important to know the truth. That's why I'm giving you the truth of God's Word today.
And I, and I have to do this in a teaching like this. Because you can't just hear this a little bit. This is a great Foundation of not only knowing what to say every day But now you're knowing how to pray because you're gonna pray god's word and you're gonna be confident You're gonna walk out of your prayer closet going.
Yes. I know. I have it. I am confident because I know i'm speaking Speaking the words every day that are God's word. I know I'm speaking his word to him when I'm praying. I know he's faithful to perform his work and I'm, I'm confident that God is going to give me what I'm saying because I'm speaking what he's telling me to speak.
I'm speaking his will. He's faithful to perform his will and he's, he's faithful to perform his work. And I just thank you for, and it excites you. I get so excited sometimes In the past in the past. I gotta be careful I say I would get tongue tied or I would stutter because I was just like so excited so excited And my my mouth is not keeping up With how fast my thoughts are coming.
But anyway, not anymore because i'm redeemed from that. All right now let's go on let's leave read proverbs 13 no, no, no, sorry
proverbs 12 Verse 18, Proverbs 12 and verse 18.
There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes hell. I'm gonna read this outta the NIV, the word of the reckless pierce like swords. So it's destructive, it's damaging. It can hurt you, it can even kill you. A sword can hurt you, and a sore can kill you. So reckless words can cause damage.
That means words that you just spat out your mouth. You don't care what you say
then, but that's a conjunction word. He's not done talking. The tongue of the wise will bring health or will bring healing. So if you're, you're continuously speaking, like some people will say continuously, like I have cancer or I have diabetes or I have neuropathy. Right. I mean, that's what the, that's what the doctor said.
When I was diagnosed with a digestive issue, okay, many years ago, I was pregnant with my second child and my digestive system just, it just went bad because I, I gave birth within I, I had two pregnancies back to back and they're only 12 months and 18 days apart and my body just because of the health issue, underlying health issues I had before, which I did not know all of them, my bio with the second pregnancy, just, it.
I was dying. My body was failing me. My digestive system was not digesting my food at all properly period So the doctor the doctor diagnosed me with a disease Incurable, okay chronic illness Okay, and I never spoke it and if I did I asked lord to forgive me, but I don't remember ever speaking it I said the doctor said and if I did again, I asked lord I said lord if I don't remember these words But if I did speak these words that I did proclaim that disease that the doctors gave me I repent of that right now.
I don't claim that that's what the doctor said. The doctor says I have that chronic illness. A doctor says I have that, but I don't in the name of Jesus. I thank you father God that I don't have it. So I didn't speak it all the time, but I started giving into the symptoms and then I started speaking the symptoms
and I started believing the symptoms and I started saying all the time that I'm sick. I started saying all the time, I'm sick and tired. And then I was wondering why I was sick and tired all the time. I'm telling on myself. Okay, i've learned that's why i'm teaching you I have learned and there's things I still have to learn and I still have to Practice what I preach and some days I can i'm good at that some days i'm not Some days when you're overwhelmed with circumstances, you say things you don't want said, and I'm just like, there was times where I was under, you know, great pressure when you're under great pressure, shut up.
I heard from, I think it was Jerry Seville. I love when he said that he was told to learn the vocabulary of silence. I was like, what is a vocabulary of science? That means don't say anything. Shut up. When we're under pressure, I remember out of the bun of the heart of the mouth speaks, so then you're going to speak all these negative words.
Trust me. You don't want to speak. You don't want to speak wrong words, you know in a situation But most time when people are under pressure or they're under fear or they're they're facing a situation They will speak wrong words And so we're supposed to not speak anything right away until we can get those sensible words until we can get okay God What do you want me to say about the situation?
It's like I do with my son you guys know this story My son was dying right in front of us in our vacation to the lake of the Oros arcs On my middle son, the one I almost died when I was carrying him, he almost died and right in front of us. And I had a choice to cry and to scream and to speak. My son is dying.
My son is dying or had to, I had to sit back and say, God, what am I supposed to say? Now that is the first words in a life and death situation are important. Okay. I've learned this for myself when I was in life and death situation, and that helped me when my son was. What to do. And so I asked the Lord, what am I supposed to do, Lord?
What words do you want me to say for this very day, this very over my child? What am I supposed to do? Because fear was trying to overwhelm me. I was seeing him dying and life was going out of him. I saw it with my own eyes as a mother. You I was like, Inside I was screaming. I was screaming. I was trying not to panic and God goes go over there lay hands on him and Speak these words so I to get myself together.
He was so he was hunched over he had passed out He was not conscious anymore and the ambulance hadn't been there yet And I had I picked his head up because he couldn't hold his head up because again He was unconscious and I had to say Father God, this is what he told me to say. I speak I command his blood to flow and action to flow right now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I command blood to flow and action to flow. And I don't know what I was saying. I don't know why I was saying that. Well, I didn't know he was dry drowning. He was secondary drowning. He was in the water, didn't realize, I didn't realize that he had swallowed water and he was severely dehydrated. It was a hundred and some degrees out and he was working out.
He didn't drink enough. I didn't know he was dehydrated. I didn't know these things, but God did. I didn't know he was dry drowning. And at the same time, he was severely, severely, severely like on the verge of death from dehydration alone. So we had two things against him that has affected his oxygen and affected his blood flowing.
Again, I had no idea. His, his, because his organs were shutting out. Well, I had no idea. All I knew was that I was watching my son die. But in that moment in time, my words had to be aligned. With God's words. I had to speak the words that God needed me to speak in that certain situation Because if I would have said, oh my god, he's going to die.
He's dying Do something you say he's dying because they told me to get a defibrillator because he was Sweating but he was he was cold and he had he was gray And they wanted to shock his heart, but there wasn't a defibrillator and i'm glad there wasn't because I know without a shadow of a doubt There was no medical intervention just like at that point in time with me.
There wasn't it was god almighty And that marks you that marks you that's why I know And even though I haven't always been the best at it And I have made mistakes and i've had to ask god to repent I don't know how many times countless times but he brings me back to these situations You Where I was in a life and death situation and how forcible or how right those words were that I had to speak God's word or had to ask for a crop filler on the wrong ones.
That's why this is so important. Because Satan wants you, you're under pressure. So many people are under pressure more than any other time. Fear is growing rampant like any other time in history. And he wants you to speak the wrong words. He wants you to not hold your tongue. He wants to enslave you and imprison you.
With wrong words. And so I am going to pray, reach every one of you. And again, tomorrow I will expound upon even more. I will give you something that another woman had did the shoot of my woman, what she did in a life and death situation with her child, what God told her to say, how she said it and how it changed.
I'm going to show you examples of other people that, you know, these stories in the Bible, but you haven't looked at it in this way of how it was important of what they said. And how it changed their outcome. So I'm going to pray to each and every one of you today. Father God, right now, in Jesus name, we thank you for this revelation from heaven.
We thank you that right now father god that we are learning that we are in the army of the lord We're learning the power and authority of our words and we are learning father god that no weapon formed against us shall prosper So every word that has been used against your people right now Every phrase everything that they have said or done that the enemy has trapped them or ensnared them We bind and rebuke those words right now by the blood of jesus christ of nazareth in any blinder Any religious spirit any type of thing that's been holding them back from this father god or trying to confuse them Or keep them from the truth.
I rebuke it and I render the helpless against them and I thank you father god Their eyes are open their hearts are softened to the truth and that truth is setting them free today And I thank you father god that we will get these revelations down on our heart and we will get them And then as we go through these different situations and circumstances because you said things are not going to look really great You But even if they don't we don't care because we will speak your word and we will believe and trust in you And we thank you father god for all of these revelations from heaven in jesus name Amen, and amen.
Well, i'll be back tomorrow with part four So I hope this encouraged you today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know Who needs air and encouraging word? But neither is the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.
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