Article Video - Public Law A1010224 By Roll Call Vote of The United States of America in Assembly

11 months ago

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Article Video - Public Law A1010224 By Roll Call Vote of The United States of America in Assembly

We here declare and record the eternal Maxim of Law that no thing is greater than its Creator and we align our Public Law with this Maxim and declare and enroll it upon our Federal Record, such that no corporation operating on our land and soil or in our names or with any presumption of a public or private interest in us or anything of ours at all, including our Good Names, will be immune to any prosecution for harm done to living people or their property assets and interests.

We expressly and explicitly hold all corporations liable for their activities and the results of those activities. There is and can be no such thing as immunity offered to public or privately held corporations such as the Immunity Legislation signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986 seeming to offer immunity from prosecution to the pharmaceutical industry related to vaccine products and drugs produced by these corporations.

We are not subject to legislation passed by our employees for the purpose of regulating their own operations.

Any enforcement under color of law of their foreign corporation rules, codes, mandates, statutes, and other forms of legislation on Americans or against the rights and interests of Americans is absolutely prohibited.

Likewise, we, their Employers, are not subject to any Executive Orders issued by their Presidents. Executive Orders are limited, again, to the internal workings of incorporated entities and the persons employed by these corporations.

They cannot offer their franchises or any incorporated entity any State Immunity or freedom from liability that they do not possess themselves.

They cannot pretend that we are their employees or dependents and therefore subject to their internal rules, codes, statutes, ordinances, regulations, mandates and other legislated and copyrighted “laws” which they maintain for their own internal purposes as municipal and commercial service corporations and non-governmental corporations (NGOs) working for the service corporations as agencies.

This Public Law of The United States of America shall be effective immediately as of the first day of March in the year of 2024 upon final enrollment of concurring votes from the State Assemblies and shall continue in force and be placed upon our Federal Record as Public Law A1010224.

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